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Y/N and Zooey were as happy as they could be. They had forgotten about the tumor, only for a brief moment. That was until one morning, Y/N tried to get up out of bed and he instantly fell. All he felt in his legs was a numbness. They felt heavy like a dead weight.

With the sound of the fall, Zooey instantpy woke up and ran to his side. She helped him back on the bed. They both knew this would happen. They just didn't expect it so soon.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled as she shook her head. "I wanted to make you breakfast."

"It's ok Y/N. We knew this was going to happen sooner or later." She cupped his cheeks making him look at her.

"It shouldn't have happened yet." He groaned as he tried to look away from her.

"I am going to call the doctor ok? We need to know what we need to do now." She told him softly as she helped him back in his bed. When she left the room, he let his tears fall. Hating that this is it. This is all they are ever going to be to each other now. He is just going to be another patient.

Y/N watched as Zooey slept after their night of activities. Her golden locks splayed out on the pillow. The sun peaking through the curtains. Highlighting every freckle on her face. He always loved her freckles. They told a story of sheer beauty. One story he would never get tired of.

He moved some hair behind her ear. He smiled as her nose scrunched up cutely as she felt his hand on her face. He soon started to pepper kisses on her neck. She woke up with a smile on her face before he captured her lips in a tender kiss.

"Good morning." He spoke softly as she opened her eyes.

"Good morning indeed." She smiled before she kissed him with more passion. The two getting lost within each other as the morning drew on.

Zooey walked back into the room to see Y/N sat there. His eyes red and puffy from crying. She had never seen him cry before in all of the time she knew him. Even when he walked in on her and her co worker, he kept a stoic expression.

Of course his tears came when she had left, after he packed her things for her to leave. That was when she had decided to move away for work, were she met Ben.

"The doctor said that this was expected since the tumor is growing, and as it is growing, it is putting more and more pressure on your spinal cord." She said as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"So how long would I have until I die?" He asked her as he finally looked at her.

"It will probably be a few months at the most but as of now, the tumor has rendered you paralysed." She informed him as she rested her hand on his leg. He just looked at his leg where she placed her hand.

"I can't feel you." He told her quietly. She could hear the pain in his voice. "I can't feel your touch."

"I'm so sorry Y/N." She whispered as she removed her hand from his leg. She had no idea what she was supposed to do. She had no idea how to make him feel better. None at all.

She walked hand in hand with Y/N along the beach. Enjoying the warmth from the sunset. Y/N then turned to face his new wife.

"Will you stay with me if I could no longer walk or do things for myself?" He asked her seriously. She just examined his face trying to see if it was some kind of joke.

"Of course I would." She told him when she knew he was being serious. "I would stay by your side until your dying breath." She caressed his cheek as they both gazed into each others eyes. "I promise you."

She smiled to herself at the memory of their honeymoon. She wondered if they would have had a kid or two by now if she didn't cheat because she was scared.

"You don't have to stay with me." He told her softly. She just shook her head at him as she stood up.

"I know I don't. I want to be here." She told him softly before she made her way out of the room. She planned on making the two breakfast. She planned on staying by his side through it all.


Hey guys. This fic is almost over. Please let me know what you think so far

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