"You dont have answer right? Let me tell you. Your mother is not a good lady anu. She tried to trap aravind malik by entering into his company. She was almost successful in marrying aravind but anirudh blackmailed aravind to marry rathna keeping wealth as a bait. You know aravind is ready to leave house and marry your mother but she didnt agreed to him, she acted like she cared about your grandfather. She asked him to marry rathna. They had an affair behind everyone's back. The powerful aravind malik became puppy in your mother love trap. Aravind was so happy when you were born, he totally ignored his family to be with you and your mother."

"You know he didnt even cared about his son, he never touched his son in his life. All he care is you and your mother. When you are 5 she admitted to you in this orphanage, she lied to your father that you are in abroad with her sister. She told its not safe for you to be in lucknow. Your foolish father didnt double checked it. I dont know why your mother waited for this long but she went and spoiled your step sister marriage. Rathna malik died unable to digest her husbands betrayal. Your coward father also died, that two kids became orphans in one day." Rahul shouted, tears are flowing from anu eyes hearing about her mother atrocities.

"What the hell? Aarthi trapped aravind for money? Aarthi is not good neither aravind. I felt bad for anvitha, our lives are so similar. we had parents but still we never experienced parents love. Why aarthi left anvitha in orphanage? IS MONEY IMPORTANT THAN HER DAUGHTER? I thought.

"Anu please dont cry. I didnt say all this to make you cry. I want you to realize your mother's cruelty" Rahul told helplessly.

Before they can say anything i went and stood infront of them. I want to clarify few things from them.

"Who are you?" Rahul asked me.

"Arnav mailk" I used my father surname may be for the last time.

"Arnav, dont get angry on anvitha. She is nowhere at fault. She is as innocent as you in this" Rahul told standing in between me and her. Like protecting her from me.

"I know" I replied, i know she is innocent. She came forward to me.

"Why your mother left you here?"  I questioned her.

"Because she hates me. She told i am no use, i am burden to her" Anu sobbed remembering her mother words.

"Why?" I asked again.

"I dont know, the only time she talks with me nicely is when our father is around" She answered me bowing her head down.

"So, you know our father. You spent time with him?" I asked more like statement.

"I dont remember much about him, i visited him two times thats it. But he was nice to me" Anu told.

"There are many secrets here, we dont know why aarthi left anu in this place. She will come here rarely to see anu, that time also she will verbally abuse her. She lied to your father that anu is studying in abroad. She took anu to home two times in the pretext of holidays. That time she blackmailed saying she will kill her if she spill truth to her father." Rahul explained me.

"Who are you?" I asked him, it seems he is surprised by my tone.

"He is my friend. He is also from this orphanage. I asked him to search a job for me" Anu di replied with low voice and hiccups.

"Why you need to do job?" I asked again.

"Its rule here, she turned 18 recently. She needs to go out from here and live independently" Rahul answered me.

"We somehow managed to extend her stay but now they are asking her to leave this place in 2 days" Rahul added.

"Why dont you go to your mother?" I asked again.

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