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where wille questions why simon is still with him after everything " he's put them through. "

contains : angst ; fluff

* italics in quotes will always be wille's lines

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in a small room , the curtains sat closed , covering almost all light from the small window that the room contained. what light that did spill from that window , was landed upon two boys. one , a curly-haired brunette , who laid on a bed , seemingly content with the quietness that filled the air of the room. the other , a dirty blonde who seemed content on the outside , but who's mind was racing with thoughts as he laid his head upon the brunette's chest. one arm was laid wrapped around his stomach while the hand of the other arm combed through his straight dirty blonde hair. to the brunette , everything seemed perfect. he was with his favorite person in the world as they finally had a moment to themselves to just relax in each other's presence. but to wille , that moment could not be any more stressful , relative to that specific day , that is.

see , with all of the drama and rumors that had spread due to the leaked video of his and simon's , let's just say private moment together , the couple had had their lives practically turned upside down. even with almost everything seemingly resolved at the moment , especially after the crown prince had gone off-script and admitted that he was in fact the person in the video with simon , the boy couldn't help but to feel guilty. simon would've never been put through any of this if they'd never met or even gotten together. sure , you could argue that wille would've never discovered who he truly was , but at that moment , it was about simon and how his life had drastically changed due to simply meeting wilhelm. he loved the boy dearly , but he didn't understand how the brunette could willingly get back together with him after everything that he's put him through. it just didn't seem fair.

looking down , simon noticed the subtle , distraught look that laid upon his lover's face. as his eyes filled with concern , he decided to speak on it , his eyes never leaving the boy who was lost in his own thoughts. " wille , mi amor , are you okay ? " simon questioned as he attempted to move a strand of hair out of his boyfriend's face. at first , he's only answered with a soft hum from the boy , though it's clear he was thinking about something. whether it was something he wanted to say or something else , the brunette was unsure of. that was , until the other finally spoke up about the matter.

" you always see the good in people , even me. " wille started , which only gained him a confused look from the boy who laid underneath him. " what are you talking about ? " simon questioned , his only understanding being that there was clearly more that wille wanted to say. the dirty blonde looked down at the hand that laid on his stomach , reaching a hand up to grab it , intertwining their fingers as if they fit perfectly. he lifted their hands up in front of his face as if he were examining them from a distance. " i've messed up so many times , simme. i mean , let's face it , i'm probably the worst crown prince that sweden's ever had. " the dirty blonde continued , his voice soft and quiet. he brought their hands back down to his stomach before he took his hand back , way from simon's. the brunette frowned at the loss of touch and at the words that was being said to him , but he let wille continue. " i've caused you so much pain from my actions , simon ,, yet you still forgive me and give me chances over and over again . . . why ? " he asked , attempting to avoid eye contact with the other's deep brown eyes.

simon let out a soft sigh as he sat the two of them up , earning a glance back towards him from the prince. " wille , you are anybody but sweden's worst crown prince. you aren't the one who's caused me pain , querido. we all make mistakes. it's normal , we're only human. " he started before he was cut off from continuing by his boyfriend. " mistakes aren't ruining somebody's life. mistakes aren't leaving your boyfriend in a stressful situation to handle on his own. mistakes aren't letting your mother dictate your every move because you feel like you have no other choice when you do. those aren't mistakes simon , they're messed up selfish actions. " wille began to argue , moving away from his loved one as he spoke. tears had already begun to form before the dirty blonde could get any words out of his mouth. by the time he'd finished , he'd already had tears streaming down his face , but he'd already stood up from the bed that he was once laying on , his back facing simon as he let the tears fall down his cheeks.

the curly-haired boy's eyebrows furrowed , almost from frustration. he knew just how stubborn wille could be and he knew that he'd try to win this argument that , in simon's mind seemed almost completely invalid. quietly , the boy stood up from his bed and made his way to the prince. he loosely wrapped his arms around the boy's waist from behind , resting his chin upon wille's shoulder. he didn't want to startle him by the almost sudden approach or upset him even more , but he wanted wille to know of his presence and that he was there for him. " wille , can you breathe with me ? " he asked gently , wanting to help calm him down so his upset state that seemed to be nearing a panic attack wouldn't heighten. there were a few moments of quiet sobs before wille had finally nodded his head just the slightest bit. simon moved one of his hands up to the bot's chest , letting it gently rest there as he took in deep breaths before letting them out slowly , breathing a bit louder than normal to ensure that wille could hear his breaths. they stood there for a few minutes before the prince's tears had subsided. once he knew wille was calm enough to hopefully talk over her thoughts rationally , simon slowly spun the boy around to face him , his arms now lifting up to rest upon the puffy-eyed boy's shoulders.

" mi cariño , i can promise you that none of your actions have been selfish. you haven't ruined my life and i will swear on that. if anything , you've made my life so much better just by simply coming into it. i forgive you because you've made mistakes , but you've rebounded and learned from them. you apologize and we talk through everything. the important thing is that you admit your wrongs and i appreciate that. you learn and grow and show that you can change and deserve another chance. they're all just mistakes that you take and grow from , and you make that very clear , wille. okay ? " he explained in a soft tone as they stared into each other's eyes. he earns a small nod from the prince. smiling , the brunette leans in and connects their lips for a short , soft kiss before he pulls away. simon's smile grows the moment he can one forming on wille's lips as well before he buries his face into the crook of simon's neck.

the brown-eyed boy let's out a small laugh as he pulls his boyfriend close. " feeling better now ? " he asked , getting a mumbled hum from wille in response. slightly turning his head to its side , wille glances up to his lover. " thank you , simme. " he whispers as his arms wrap around the boy with curly hair. simon plants a gentle kiss on top of wille's head before responding. " of course , mi amor. i'll always be here for you , no matter what. " he says softly before closing his eyes to simply enjoy the moment as he embraces the boy he's madly in love with , letting them stand in that spot to enjoy each other's company and warmth.

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1,430 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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