Chapter 2 - "Well this is awkward"

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3 Years later

Korras POV

Today is my fire bending test. 

Right now a firebender starts charging at me shooting a fire stream. I run towards them and then straight through the fire blast and pushes his arms apart to stop his bending. 

 I then jumped off his and sore through the air while kicking some fire a the bender. They try to block, but gets thrown back instead in defeat. 

"Woohoo" I did it I completed my fire bending test. I look over to all the members of the white lotus and they all look unfazed. "Hey, why all the doom and gloom, people? We should be celebrating! Three elements down, one to go!" Yim then speaks and that serious tone that makes my ears bleed "You're getting ahead of yourself as usual, Korra. We haven't decided if you passed your fire bending test yet." As if I didn't pass, I smashed that guy. The leader of the white lotus steps forward to speak"Ever since you were a little girl, you've excelled at the physical side of bending, but completely ignored the spiritual side. The Avatar must master both." isn't the whole point of being the avatar to fight and protect balance. "I haven't ignored it, it just doesn't come as easy to me. But that's why I should start training with Tenzin immediately.  He's Mister Spiritual." I say confidently, I mean i'm gonna have to learn eventually so they might as well let me now. "Do you believe she's ready, Master Katara?" Please say yes. Please say yes. " Yes. If anyone can teach her what she needs to learn, it's Tenzin." "Very well, Korra. It's time for you to begin your air bending training." I start jumping up and down "Yes! Finally!" Just then I realised that the elders are still watching me" I mean, " I said clearing my throat and bowing "thank you all for believing in me." I then go run off, smiling so hard that my face hurts. 

I go straight to tell my best friend.  

"Naga, you should have seen it! I kicked some firebender butt, and I passed! Tenzin will be here in a few days."


I'm running. 

I have been running for the past 20 minutes and it feels like I can't breath.

 I don't get why the cops here hate me so much. I mean you steal one box of donuts from an officer and now the whole police force is after you. I mean I did steal some other stuff but I don't think that the main problem. 

I think i've finally lost them when I bump in to my favourite officer. "hey Lin, hows it going" I say with a smirk.  She just gave me that stone cold look and brings me back to the station. "Listen Kid, i've tried to be nice to you but you're just not getting it in your head." Lin says while pacing around her office. "what can I say, I like seeing you." I say leaning back in my chair. "this is not the time for your jokes" "I thought it was funny" she slams her hand on the table " Stop joking around, this is serious." I went dead silent after that. 

"Im making you do some community service." before I could even start to complain she shushed me. "You're going to train and coach the Fire ferrets in the pro bending comp. I've seen your skill while resisting  arrest." she could tell I was still opposed to the idea she she keep talking. "Look, i'm going easy on you kid. This is the best out come considering the crimes you've committed." I finally made eye contact with her and agreed. 

She took me to the bending arena to meet the team I was supposed to be coaching. She talked to them privately and made me wait outside. 

when I walked in they all looked really judgy, well except the baby looking one.

The one named Mako introduced them all which honestly I wasn't really paying any attention to... I guess i made it pretty obvious. "Listien up, This isn't free time. You have to work and if this team doesn't reach the championships then I'm going to give you more jobs. you better be here every training and game"

 Is she joking, this team sucks they are the rookies of rookies. "How the hell am I supposed to do that, It's impossible." 

the fire bender, maky, mooki, I don't know, coughed loudly reminding me that they were all still right there. 

Lin then smirks and says "Thats the point Kid. " and the walks off leaving me there. 

"Well this is awkward" 

I say nervously, followed by a nervous chuckle. they didn't seem to amused.

Okay soo this was my first chapter following the shows guidelines. I hope you guys liked it I and going to time skip in the next chapter to when Korra and Y/n meet again just to spice things up a little bit more. Again if you have any criticism or suggestions to the story I would be more than happy to hear them. I really hope you guys are enjoying this book so far. 

Don't do something you'll Regret. - KORRA X FEM Y/N READERWhere stories live. Discover now