"Am I getting weak, that I'm understanding weak language..." Gojo said practically scared, ...scared of being stupid that she made a distance from Power and Denji 'Sorry, Denji but you are also stupid' Gojo thought as she moved away from the pair

"Ohh, I see...! I've been thinking about that lately actually, that it'd be cool to fight like one of those smart characters in manga!" Denji said with confidence

"We'll murder that asshole using our heads! You too Gojo!" Power said

"I kinda feel like I'm getting smarter already!" Denji said while stretching


The man walked to the apartment

"Assholes, slacking off during my training..." He said

He was getting closed through

"It smells like blood...that old drunkard came." Power said

"Anyone who wrecks our daily life should die," Denji said

"But why am I here?" Gojo asked, also wearing sunglasses that Denji gave her

You'll see that Power and Denji are wearing their own glasses

"It's time to start the super-genius strategy." Power stated


Then the man saw through the peephole that an incoming spear that Power threw, and the man bend backward "Oops." the man muttered

"A weapon made of blood, huh? Aimed for the head too..lying in wait?." the man said as he grabbed the spear

"Trying to make me the hunted this time, I guess." The man said as he break off the spear

And there were bottles of blood above the man, as Power pointed down, a bunch of spear tear through the floor, the hunter turned around and starts dodging and breaking the spear. Denji appeared behind him and swung his axe, still his back turned to Denji kicking backward at Denji's neck. successfully knocking both of them down.

"That was the best you've done so far. Prey sure can use their heads when they're cornered. You should use your head more. There are two reasons you failed this time. The first was that in order to fight like this, Power used up too much blood and is basically anemic and the second was that Denji couldn't predict my attack and the third was-" Then he stopped when a familiar presence appear behind him

"Your late." The man said as he turned around to face her.

"Oh sorry! I went to the nearest bakery to eat some strawberry shortcakes" Gojo said as she winked at her glasses.

"But you guys we're pretty beaten up! wait!" Gojo said as she took out her phone

"I'll take a photo of you guys and send it to Aki-chan, I'm pretty sure that he would enjoy seeing you guys bleed" Gojo start taking pictures of Power and Denji's pitiful state with her new phone and send them to Aki-chan

"Give me ten seconds," Gojo said as she starts stretching her legs

"Ohh." The man amusedly said

"Eh, but [y/n] be careful!" Denji shouted

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