She walked out of the closet and sat down on the edge of Malai's bed,"My parents arrange everything, friends and social life included, everything is boring. "

"Really?" Malai knew how she felt, in the being, her parents did the same thing when she was younger, but she was happy she got to meet her boys , Gorya and Kaning. But when she started high school, she sat them down and told them to back off just a little and trust her, so that's why she was able to get her job at the flower shop and spend time doing what she loved. But with this arranged marriage, she knew her parents still didn't fully think she can make her own choices.

"Sometimes I wish I could be an ordinary girl."

Malai smiled,"You can, we are already friends, and I do some pretty ordinary things."

Lita stared up at her for a few moments before jumping up and warping her arms around her in a tight hug.

Malai's eyes widened a bit but she hugged her back anyways, having conflicting feelings in her heart, Lita was so sweet and childlike, she didn't deserve to be involved in this mess Roselyn created.

"Thank you."  The two hugged for a few more moments before Lita pulled back, looking at her,"But that's the thing, in the end, no matter how hard I try to fight a certain thing, I can't change it, there's more to it."

"I understand, our engagements make things harder."

Lita nodded in agreement,"At least you are engaged to someone you know and spent a lot of time with, I don't know or like being around him."

"You're not okay with this, are you?" Malai asked, already knowing the answer.

"How can I be OK with it? I wanted to get to know you but not this way, and that Thyme, he is so much of a handful that I don't know how you can stand him." She sighed and looked at her," I didn't mean to take away your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?!" Malai inhaled too fast that she choked on air, making her cough,"Thyme is not my boyfriend, he is just my best friend." She said, ignoring the way those words stabbed her in the heart.

"Okay, okay,I'm sorry I just heard a lot of gossip." Lita said, looking a bit worried. Not only did she hear the gossip but she saw in interviews or videos of the pair where Thyme was really protective of her so Lita was scared that she was taking him away.

Malai waited for her breathing to go back to normal before speaking,"It's fine, I know about gossip, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a rumor that I had a secret third eye." She replied, making the other laugh.

"So, is Kavin your secret boyfriend or the guy on the rooftop." Lita asked, a teasing glint in her eyes.

Malai snorted and covered her mouth, trying to hold in a laugh, no way was Talay her boyfriend, but before she could respond, a voice interrupted them.

"Gentle, Thyme."

"Don't you dare drop my brother."

"Well, your brother should be careful on the bus next time, if he had, he wouldn't have sprained his ankle."

Thyme appeared passing by Malai's doorway, with Glakoa on his back, but stepped back in shock when he saw who was with Malai,"What?"

"Why did you stop moving? The guest room is-" Gorya appeared behind him, a medic kit in her hands but stopped as well,"Oh, hey."

"Why are you here?" Thyme demanded, eyes wide.

"Hello Gorya, and I'm here because I'm Malai's friend." Lita said smugly, wrapping her arms around Malai's.

Thyme eyes shot to Malai and all he received from her was a nervous shrug and a nod.

"What about you? What are you doing here?"

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