Forced Date

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"Thyme.." Malai slowly approached the soaking wet boy and held her umbrella over his head, waiting for his next move.

"Dmn it!" Thyme hit the umbrella and it went flying.

"There it is." Was all she said and held her hands above her head, trying to block the rain.

"It's one p.m, where have you been?" He snapped,"I've been waiting for you and I have never waited for you this long before."

"Well, why didn't you wait inside?"

"You wouldn't be able to see me, besides you should have told me you were going to be late."

"Thyme...didn't you get my message?" Malai asked, her tone of voice soft like she was talking to a child," I said I would be a little late cause I had to help out the orphanage today."

He paused for a second,"You didn't send me any message, and now you made me look like a wet 'piglet' in a pond."

"Puppy!" She said loudly, trying to be heard over his ranting and the rain,"I sent you it at twelve." She pulled out her phone and opened her texts to show him,"Look."

"You didn't send-" Thyme moved to snatch the phone but it ended up crashing onto the cement, cracking the screen and getting soaked.

They both stared at it and Malai looked at him, a deadpan look on her face.

"Sorry..." He mumbled and picked it up, handing it to her slowly.

"Umbrella." Was all she said.

Thyme nodded and quickly got the umbrella, handing it to her.

"Thanks." She smiled for a second before lightly hitting him with the umbrella,"You owe me a new phone!"

"Ow! Malai!" He tried to pull the umbrella from her and the ended up moving around in a circle.

"Let go, you stupid wolf!"

"Who are you calling stupid, you dummy!"


Thyme stood in a shop, waiting for Malai and sneezed, shivering in his wet clothes.

"How's standing in the rain acting cool working for you?" Malai asked as she walked up, bag in hand,"You should have waited inside, I knew where to find you, we've been here together before, you'll get sick if you keep doing that."

"I wont." He denied and sneezed again.

"Yeah, sure." Malai agreed, sarcasm dripping in her tone as she pulled a small pink towel out of the bag,"Here, dry yourself."

Thyme gave her a look and took it,"You know I hate pink." He mumbled, drying his hair.

"I know but I love it so deal with it," She handed him bottled oishi green tea,"Here, my way of saying sorry."

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