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As if Xing Yun’s words were a jinx, that night, the lanterns around the house suddenly extinguished. Around the hospital suddenly sounded chanting. Xing Yun in his bedroom with a quilt over his ears sighed. “Hahh, who knew that he would have such clumsy plans. It seems like I really have overestimated that Crown Prince.” He stopped talking. The continuous chattering had suddenly gotten broken by a crisp voice. Hearing that, Xing Yun immediately stood up, tugging on the edge of the bed to steady himself and walked hurriedly into the hall.

Recently after becoming regaining her human form, Chen Li had been sleeping in the hall on a bench as a temporary bed. Living so close to him, every night he is able to see Chen Li stand up, drink water, before staring at him and continuing to sleep. It was a habit of vigilance that she had gotten naturally after years of the battle field, but it was also to let Xing Yun sleep rest assured.

So when today he saw that Chen Li was not lying on the bench, his heart had a bad feeling in it and he hurriedly went the front courtyard to take a look. In the front yard, stood 5 men who have fallen within the array. With addition to the 3 black robed men, there were actually 2 dressed in priest’s robes who have all fainted, white faced. Their breaths were weak as they laid on the ground shivering, and within Xing Yun’s courtyard, there was only one figure left standing. It was a girl, a girl called Chen Li who seemed like she would never bend her knees or bow her spine, but was also whose face currently held helplessness and despair.

With her current expression, Chen Li no longer looked like an aloof god but rather someone normal, someone that can indeed experience pain. Xing Yun unexpectedly did not try to control his panicked heart, instead daring to step directly into the courtyard, inside the fearsome array.

In this moment, he saw Chen Li’s hands that were clenching tightly loosened as she spat out a mouthful of blood, her figure slowly collapsing to the floor. Xing Yun’s eyes closed as he took a deep breath and continued to move forward. Xing Yun reopened his eyes, only to find that the scene from earlier was alike a dream. Standing within the formation was still Chen Li, her hands still clenched tightly by her side. The only difference now was that 2 bloody streaks marred over her face near her eyes.

Chen Li had no way of knowing about what Xing Yun was doing outside. Her demon world was in ruins, huge floods of red, glowing hot lava swallowing up the people in the kingdom of the Demonic Realm. . Brave soldiers had reached out their hands to her for help, yet she was bound by some force, unable to lift a finger and save them. The once lofty castle had been reduced to dust, and she felt worried, unsure of the Demon Emperor’s life or death. She turned around suddenly, and saw that the Demon Emperor wearing black robes were restraining her arms. His voice and stature were cold. “This place should not exist.” Her mind went blank. Before she could open her mouth, suddenly he was before her, mouth open, savagely tearing off flesh with his teeth wanting to eat her alive!


“Chen Li” The calling seemed to bring up light, yet sounded very faint. However, it was as if time froze, the world around her stopping. “Wake up.”

Who’s calling her name…..

Her eyes ached with pain, opening up to see an indescribably familiar face intrude onto her vision. “The flaming kingdom was fake, it’s all right.”

Accompanying the PhoenixNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ