Chapter One - Pilot

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Part One

April 18th...

"Adrienne, they're ready for you," A member of the stage crew told Adrienne, cracking the door slightly.

"I'll be out in a minute, thank you," Adrienne nodded to the person with a polite grin, standing up and walking to their mirror as their dressing room's door closed.

They tilted their head from side to side, trying to ease the tension in their neck, though the tension was evident everywhere else in their body.

Yes, they've done many interviews, but that didn't soothe their anxiousness one bit.

They smoothed their shirt out, rolling their shoulders back, and took a deep breath in before walking out of the room.

They walked towards the edge of the backstage area so that one of the crew members could put a microphone on their black dress shirt.

"They'll call you in a minute or two, okay?" The stage crew member and Adrienne nodded, looking down at them.

Once they did what they needed to do, they wished Adrienne luck, and walked away.

After about a minute (just like the crew member said), Jimmy Fallon announced Adrienne's name, and they walked out, a gentle smile on their face.

"Adrienne, how are you?"

"I'm doing amazing so far," They started, looking out to the crowd with a grin. "How about you?"

"I'm doing amazing now that you're here," He said, and the crowd laughed, also making Adrienne laugh.

"Now..." Jimmy said after the crowd died down, "We must talk about how amazing you were in Captain America: The Winter Soldier," He continued, which made the crowd go deafening wild.

Adrienne's face got hot at the attention as they looked down to the floor with a bit of an awkward smile.

"Can I just say that you were amazing," Jimmy said enthusiastically, and Adrienne smiled at him,

"Thank you, that means a lot, honestly."

"Of course, now, I could ask you a billion questions about your character, but I have to start with who your character is."

"Well, my character, who shares the same name as me," They started with a laugh, "Was someone that grew up in HYDRA by their own will. Unfortunately, I can't really tell you every little detail about my character just yet, but I can say that they have a lot of navigating to do as a person who's just now being introduced to the rest of society and the rest of the world as an adult and not a child being trained to kill and a child that was molded into the perfect soldier, thinking that love does not exist and that violence is all that exists," Adrienne explained passionately.

The audience clapped at their words as Jimmy nodded his head, taking the information in.

"Now, I have to ask you, what's the story behind you and your character having the same name?"

"It's a strange story, to be completely honest with you," Adrienne began, adjusting themselves in their seat, which made a couple of people in the audience whistle.

Adrienne looked at the crowd, chuckling slightly.

"So back in '07, I auditioned for the role of Bucky Barnes, who is played by the lovely Sebastian Stan but, obviously, I didn't get it," Adrienne said and Jimmy nodded along.

"So I get a call from Marvel, and they're basically like 'you're the perfect person for a character, but we don't know what character' and I'm just sitting on the line confused as ever until I thought about the characters that I've written in my free time, considering that I was a bit of an aspiring writer and director at the time," They continued, licking their lips.

Death's Weakness (Wanda Maximoff x G!P Enby OC)Where stories live. Discover now