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I scoot to the edge of the bed in the medical wing. The twins made me stay last night because of my nose. It was broken and looked nasty. Nastier than I thought it would look. My lip was messed up too, but my injuries are nothing compared to what the others received.

The hostages. 

Only Ian, Emory, and Addie were found. Brendan and Winston are somewhere with the Reestablishment, probably in worse shape than the ones we found. The ones we found are all in bad shape really, really bad shape. Spending the night with them in the medical wing was quiet. Dead silent to be exact. They spend most of their recovery time asleep; that's how they are now. 

Ian came in with a broken nose, one worse than mine. Other injuries led him to be unconscious when they found him. Emory had a messed up ear. I didn't look much into it, but the twins are worried that it might be a while until he can hear properly again. 

Addie was in the worst condition. She was the only one awake when they found her too. Her ability had only gotten her so far. Since Addie can snap and kill people, she managed to get at least one person. But her ability, like all, has its drawbacks. If she's not careful, she can snap herself and when she does snap someone, she can only hear that single person as they die. There is no continuous snapping, she has to do it one at a time. That's how they got to her. 

They cut off her right ring finger. Broke the one on the other hand. I let out a shaky breath and close my eyes for a moment. I avoid thinking about what she went through in that room. About how she must've felt and how she feels now. About how I was sitting here in Omega point completely fine.

My eyes open and drift to her bed. Blond hair frames her pale, lifeless face. Both of her hands are wrapped in bandages but you can tell which one suffered the worse loss by the blood seeping through.

They all suffered from similar head injuries and others across their body. The Reestablishment likely used the same beating tactics on each of them. Bruises cover all of them along with plenty of cuts that were poorly bandaged. Bandaged good enough to keep them alive, bad enough to urge them to give information.

I close my eyes again as a headache starts to set in. I think. I think about if they told the reestablishment about where Omega Point is, though if they did, I think Omega Point wouldn't be standing any longer. I think about if the reestablishment is already planning an attack on us and if it might catch us off-guard. We do have Warner though; they'll want him back before they launch any more attacks, I hope.

"Good morning Ms. L/N," Castle greets. 

I open my eyes to see Castle wearing a gloomy look. He gives me a sad smile that creates wrinkles in his eyes, showing his age better than anything else. He's older than he looks but as soon as you hear him talk, it's clear how wise he is. His expression changes as he looks at the bed with Addie laying in it.

"Morning," I say, voice unusually rough. I tilt my head down to look at my shoes as I tie them. I don't think I'm ready to look anyone in the eyes for another few days.

"You did very well yesterday alongside Ms. Ferrars." He pauses. "But I'm afraid we must not rest yet."

I nod slightly, sitting up straight. 

Castle looks me in the eyes. He hesitates before saying, "I need you to be in charge of maintaining and interrogating our new visitor."

I pause, yesterday's adventures coming back to me. I should tell Castle. I should tell him that Warner was able to talk to me through my mind. No. Not yet. I need to figure out how the hell he did it. I need to figure out if I was making it up in my head. 

Better Than This - A Shatter Me FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora