Coffee shop.

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Wednesday arrived at the Coffee shop at 2:00 and Xavier showed up at 2:04.

- "Who sets up a date and shows up late." Wednesday said not looking up from her quad.

- "A date? Aren't you and Enid dating? " Xavier said with a smug look on his face.

- "You know what I mean Xavier. Sit down. Ok. Now what do you want?"
Wednesday said finally looking up from her quad and looking at Xavier, noticing a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong with you. Did someone die? " Wednesday said staring at Xavier and raising an eyebrow.

"In fact, yes. Well, not exactly.. "
Xavier said looking away from Wednesday and requesting a coffee with two sugars from the coffee boy.

"Who's been killed but not exactly." Wednesday said sounding as if she couldn't care at the least but had actually had a lot of interest in the matter.

"Eu-.." Xavier seemed to pause as in deep thought. "Eugene."

Wednesday looked at him as she said "Xavier this isn't funny. Nothing you ever say is. "

Xavier looked at her for a second and sadly said "W-wednesday.. I'm not making a joke.. "

Wednesday just looked down and said,
"Where is he."

"The hospital, he was looking for bugs and.. The hyde attacked him."

Wednesday bolted off to the hospital faster then you could say "Hyde attacked Eugene" And as soon as she got there immediately walked up to a nurse and said "Where's Eugene?" Half monotoned and half worried.
The lady was very confused "Who?" She asked typing into the computer and said "Ottinger.Eugene Ottinger."

"Oh um.. Are you a realitive? His condition is quite serious."

"A friend. His best friend. I need to see him immediately." She replied not caring what condition he was in because she had seen much worse.

"Miss sit down next to his parents. No one is allowed to go in until the doctors have finished with him. He almost died." She added the last part quietly as she looked around in a panic.

"What?!" Wednesday screamed at the woman who jumped at the sudden noise, "And that idiot waited thirty minutes to tell me?!" Wednesday was actually getting quite angry, at this point she had already stormed out of the hospital after the nurse had been frightened and (possibly) traumatized at what had happened with Wednesday after she had demanded that she saw Eugene, the nurse had almost been stabbed and Wednesday apologize before being asked to leave,

Wednesday was going to murder Xavier.

Wednesday Addams × Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now