The date

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'This is so weird.'

'What is?'

'Our date.'

Enid hadn't forgotten about what happened last night, She planned the most corny date ever, literally. She asked the principal on the weekend and asked if her and Wednesday could go to a haunted corn maze!

'Enid. Why here. This is so weird.'

'But it's cool!!!' She said pointing at the party that was happening in the maze making corn maze jokings,

'You know weds I think you're amazeing!'

'You're at the corn of my heart Wednesday!'

'Why can't you make a door out of corn? Cause there would be to many knobs!'

Wednesday scowled at every pun that the girl was making, but she actually had a good time, the people that acted there weren't very scary, but very good to talk to. Enid tried to kiss Wednesday but she dodged and Enid fell into a giant bucket of water! Wednesday teased Enid about it from the rest of the trip but there were both genuinely having fun, they loved it, Wednesday even addmited it.

'Thanks for agreeing to do this with me. '

'No problem. '  Wednesday said 'Can I have a prize?'

'I don't have anything-' Enid said before being cut off by Wednesday

Wednesday sealed her in a kiss and it felt like everyone else in the world didn't matter,

It was only them.

Soon they pulled apart and left each other to do their night routines,

Wednesday was quite mad about not being able to write in her journal that day, so Enid suggested that she writes now or for two hours tomorrow, Wednesday stays up til 10 pm and Enid is bored.

'Hey wed???' Enid says happily

'What. ' says Wednesday coldly 'you know how I feel when you interrupt my writing time.'

'Your writing time is over!! Hang out with meeee!' Enid begs

'..Fine.' Wednesday says after some thought. 'What do you want to do?'

Enid pulled out some lip sticks

'Make over time!'

Wednesday Addams × Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now