The star'night (chapter 3)

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After sun said that I was curious on what he said if the lights go out then I could meet him?, I wonder.. is it like the outside when it turns day time and nightime but you can only control the light switch?, right after I was about to say "okay" the lights turned off and sunny was gone, and a moon figure showed up but he didn't notice me, as he went to the light switch to check who turn it off.., I wasn't scared as I usually do.. it's more likely to be more.. attracted to the night when that moon guy is around.. I guess sunny was right probably.. I think his name is moon since sunny is basically the sun so as brave i could probably be.. I called out his name.. " Moon?.. " He seemed to have heared it and went to where I was his eyes were light red but somehow turn into a white light.. and ask me who I was.. I obviously said my name to him and somehow he knows about sunny since he said this "Ah.. I see sunny was talking to me about you.." ofc sunny told him about me.. I was kinda nervous to talk to him but somehow my body did it for me as it forced itself to hug moon.. and I was bleeding?.. I don't remember bleeding out..

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