Life 06

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Saji's seat remained empty the next day, and the day after as gifts of mourning joined his desk. A small memorial of sorts taking place in the back of the classroom where he once sat.

Sure it would've been easier for Sona to erase everyone's memories of her pawn but it'd leave a sour taste in her mouth. Even the devil has his limits.

"Hey! Get the hell out of my seat!" One of the more aggressive boys yelled at Y/n as he slammed his hands on the desk Y/n sat at.

The young blond man looked up from the book he was reading to lock eyes with the aggressive teen.

"What would appear to be the problem?" He raised an eyebrow up in curiosity "there's a seat right over there" he pointed to the seat that once belonged to Saji.

"But I...I couldn't possibly do that!"

"So you're complaining about a problem you can solve? That sounds rather pathetic to me" he calmly placed his book down before standing, towering over the older teen with a menacing aura.

"Like a child crying over a broken toy, you broke your toy and now you cry when some else enjoys what you've lost" his hands slammed against the wooden desk "sit. Down." Killer Queen loomed over his master, it's red eyes staring down at the boy, it's glare being felt in the young teens soul Sending shivers down Sonas spine as she approached the classroom.

By the time Sona entered the classroom the commotion had ended. All was calm and Y/n was reading his book and the student was sat shamefully in sajis chair.

Sona scanned the classroom her eyes meeting Y/n "Mr Kira, would you please accompany me to the student council office to discuss your attendance?"

A silent sigh escaped Y/n's lips as he stood up "could it not wait till later? I would much like to catch up with my classes"

"It'll only take a moment mr Kira I assure you, you are top of your class in every subject" the young man slowly walked towards sona, his back straight and his stance bold.

"It would seem my efforts haven't gone unnoticed" he stopped in front of the older classmate.

"Yes you've built quite the reputation since coming to kouh, now if you would" she gestured to the door of the classroom as her purple eyes diverted from his own.

They walked in silence to the student council room, Y/n's eyes never being taken off of Sona. Her magical aura not flaring out like the other devils in the school.

Sona sat at her chair the candle light flickering in the warm summer breeze, the window slightly cracked open with the curtains draped in front of it blocking light from entering the room.

"Do you play chess Mr Kira?" The aforementioned person sat across from her, his dark blue eyes staring into her very soul as her stare was unwavering.

"I doubt you brought me here just to play chess Mrs Shitori" 

"straight to it? its what I should have expected from him"  Sona thought to herself as she calmly placed her hands on her desk

"very well"  the student council president adjusted her glasses as she leaned forward "I take it you heard of Saji's passing?"  he simply nodded his head in response "tell me Y/n do you believe in the supernatural?"

" would depend on what you would define as supernatural, for a devil such as yourself it is natural, for a human who lives in ignorance it would be supernatural" to say Sona was taken aback by Y/n's revelation.

"You...are aware of the supernatural?"

"More than aware" he leans forward, his magic energy flowing out as a dark purple aura surrounded him, the dark energy flowing through the room as his stand appeared before him, Sona's eyes not being able to see the figure before her as it reached out and touched her.

The king jolted back off her chair, her devil wings spawning behind her as she felt the pressure on her forehead.

"What did you do?" She asked calmly as she regained her composure, Y/n still sat in his chair.

"Nothing, will you sit back down" he calmly asked as he adjusted his position and returned his magical aura.

Sona took her seat, her devil wings folding into themselves and seemingly vanishing, one question lingering in her mind "who are you really?"

"My name is Y/n kira I am 17 years old..."

Kira laid in his bed fast asleep, an empty glass of milk sat next to him. It was still warm to the touch as he rested fast asleep.

Light footsteps paced across his bedroom floor, naked feet slapping lightly against the floor.

A black kimono laying on floor as two black cat tails swayed behind the rear of a woman who slowly walked towards the bed Kira rested in.

As she leaned down to join him in bed killer queen manifested in front of her. It's eyes plainly looking at the woman in front of it.

"Even in his sleep you protect him?"

The stand slowly nodded it's head, it's eyes never leaving kuroka.

"I'm not here to hurt him" she held out her hand, letting killer queen touch it "see? Now you can blow me to bits if I do anything" she felt her heart race as she said that, at any point she could blow up and there would be no evidence.

The stand slowly faded, letting kuroka slowly get into bed and cuddle up to the owner of the stand.

As she curled up to him she took a deep breath to relax, letting her take in his scent

"You're one of us now..." she quietly whispered as her golden eyes looked at him in sadness "it's going to be a while till you get that quiet little life..."

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