In your pose as the dust settled around us

Start from the beginning

anytime, B. so, about griffin?
[ 3 : 06 pm ]

right, idk i think hes worried
that we'll forget all about him
when we move away for college
[ 3 : 07 pm ]

alr, have everyone come
to my place, we're gonna talk to
everytone n hopefully clear things
up for griff
[ 3 : 10 pm ]


[ S N A P C H A T ]

Harry Styles' Fruit Salad

bruce 🧸 has sent a snap

[ A mirror selfie of Bruce wearing loose white ripped jeans with mesh pants underneath, a cropped pale blue hoodie with 'B' marked largely on the back, unclear if the B stands for Bruce or Billy, he's in black high-top converse and light make-up his applied to his face. His hair is held back by a clip in the shape of a planet- a gift from Finney. He is standing in front of the mirror, one hand holding the phone as he bends forward slightly and is in a halted position where it seems he is delivering a blow kiss.

The photo is captioned 'sleepover at V's place, everyone HAS to be there or they won't get my famous mac n cheese 🫶' ]

ill be there :))

grif 🦌
i dont have a choice, mums out

its kinda my place so

billy 🍄
anything for B <3

Robin 🥊
ill try my best to be there! familys over 😥


"Hey guys." Griffin smiled lightly, a sad look in his eyes. He avoided eye contact with everyone as he made his way over to Vance and sat down next to him, cuddling into his side.

"Hey, you okay?" Billy asked, a concerned look on his face. Vance tossed a blanket over Griffin as he wrapped his arms around him.

"Yeah, just tired. We're gonna graduate in a couple of weeks and I really wanna get some good grades so I can keep my scholarship for college." He mumbled, yawning sleepily as Vance ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh! That reminds me, what schools are you all going to? I'm going to either Juilliard or Berklee!" Robin perked up, sitting on the edge of the lounge chair he was occupying. Finney groaned from where he sat on the loveseat with Bruce.

"Don't remind me. Where I'm going it's going to be so hard to adjust."

"Well, where are you going?" Billy stared him down.

Shifting uncomfortably, Finney muttered something under his breath.

"What?" Griffin tilted his head as best he could.

"I said I'm going to the University of California Berkeley.." Finney hid his face with his hands. Griffin swallowed roughly. He didn't want to leave his partners. It wasn't fair. What if they forgot about him?

"I'm going to Princeton!" Billy puffed his chest out proudly. "I got accepted yesterday. Full ride scholarship and everything."

A series of congratulations rang throughout the room.

"Uh, I got invited to the School of Art Institute in Chicago." Vance spoke out, an embarrassed blush high on his cheeks."

"That's great, Van!" Robin cried out, bouncing excitedly in his seat.

Pompeii [ for you, the world ] (A The Black Phone Fic)Where stories live. Discover now