#2 Bigby Wolf x Reader (The Wolf Among Us) REQUEST

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As requested by @Polli2123, a fanfic where our Reader suddenly finds themselves in the dimension of TWAU! ^_^
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You didn't know how it happened but when you came to, you were on the busy streets of some town you didn't recall seeing before. Actually, it was familiar but there was no way that-

"Get your ass off the damn street!"

With a startled stumble, you quickly ran to the pavement, your heartbeat thumping so loud you could hear it. This couldn't be happening- how? This so doesn't just happen. Was this a nightmare? You would pinch and pull at your skin before pulling your hand away with a frown. This was as real as whatever this was could be. Christ, well, you couldn't just stand here. Finally, you began to walk- somewhere. You had to find some sort of sign of where you were.

__ _

What the actual fuck.
That was the only thought that rang through your head as you stared at the oh, so familiar building in front of you. You knew where you were- but how?
Woodland Luxury Apartments.
It was getting late and everything started to freak you out more and more. You looked around before stepping past the open gates, glancing at the "stay off the grass" sign.
When you were up to the front door, you took a moment to think of what you were doing. You couldn't just walk on in there. You didn't live here!
Maybe there was a hotel nearby- or a motel? Actually fuck that- you didn't gave any money on you. God, you were screwed.

"What are you doing here?"

With a startled turn, you looked towards the rough, deep voice and saw no other than the wolf himself. Bigby Wolf.
Oh, god, you were going to throw up this was way too freaky for you. He was actually there, standing in front of you.
"Uh- I'm just- passing by." Yikes, that was a painful lie. Couldn't do better at the moment though.

"Why does 'passing by' entail you walking up to the doors of an apartment complex?" He asked, his harsh stare kept on you, piercing through you. The sheriff seemed suspicious of you- and you didn't blame him.

"Hah- yeah. You're right- I was looking for someone. They aren't here though, so uh- I have no need to be here as well. So I'll be off." You stepped down the stairs leading to the main entrance, walking past the sheriff and out the gate, throwing a fleeting 'bye' his way as you did.
God, that was- painful, again.
Listen, you weren't in a social mindset. You were better at conversations, normally. Probably. Whatever!

You didn't notice him watching you walk off, brows furrowed in confusion.

—— —

You sat there, on the stairs of a closed off shop, knees pulled up to your chest. People kept glancing at you as they passed and you just hid your face away in the space between your chest and knees. In frustration, you squeezed your eyes shut and frowned, already tired enough from this stressful day.
You would've gone somewhere else- maybe a park or something but you weren't dumb. Parks normally weren't the safest option to hang out- and now there were actual beasts walking around. Silent social ridicule was better than hiding in a bush all night. And getting eaten maybe.

"You didn't find whoever you're looking for?"

The smell of smoke filled your senses as you raised your head in alarm, glancing up at the town's sheriff, smoking a cigarette beside you. He puffed out the smoke towards the street before turning towards you, tapping the ash off of his cigarette.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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