Charnico one-shot!!

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childhood friends AU

Nicos POV.


I still think of  him. The boy from our neighbourhood 13 years ago. We used to hang out everyday, when suddenly he stopped appearing at our spot. Our secret hiding place where we used to sit for hours and talk about everything. I remember, one day when we both went to our meet-up, i brought along a big pot of honey that i got from my grandma, along with some fruits. I brought pears. Those were his favourite. When we sat down to eat them, i slipped and the pot fell on my head. I was covered in honey. From then on, the boy called me "honey". I never understood why he stopped showing up, and i didnt even understand why i started thinking about all of this. Its been 13 years, after all.

"Nico, are you alright?", a voice suddenly snaps me out of my thoughts.

I look at my surroundings, regaining consciousness.

Im sitting on a sofa, as i look around more i start to understand where i was. I was at my bestfriends house.

"Nico?", he repeats. He sits down next to me and holds onto my shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Ah--", i say, finally being able to get words out of my mouth.

"...-I am alright, thank you Xander." , i look my bestfriend in the eyes, softly smile and then proceed to look down at my hand. I was holding a tube of honey.

"You sure? I gave you that honey and suddenly you zoned out completely!!", Xander exlaims.

"Oh, yeah im okay just memories of an old friend.", i chuckle and put the honey down on the table infront of the sofa.

"Ah i see", he replies awkardly and there is a 15 seconds silence, broken by a third party entering the room.

"Hey guys?", Whit's head pokes out of the door. "Its nearly time for class, how long are you guys gonna stay in the dorm?"

Xander stands up and looks at me, smiling gently, holding out his hand. "Can we go to class?"

I nod and take his hand, standing up. 

We are walking to class, i am a little bit off behind Whit and Xander, but i try my best to keep up with them. As we reach the classroom, i see that there is a girl standingnext to the teacher that i havent seen around before, gathered infront of the class. I sit down next to Whit and listen to what they have to say.

"Introduce yourself", The girl smiles and stands infront of the class before starting to talk.

"Hi, im Veronika, i like horror movies, horror games, horror storys basically everything horror related!! Thats also my talent, ultimate horror fanatic! Ive actually been recently watchin this horror movie where its about a killer with a ghost mask who goes around killing highschoolers-"

 She starts to ramble. "Ahem- Veronika, thats enough.", The teacher interrupts her. 

"She is gonna be your new classmate, please treat her with respect.", The Teacher says before assigning Veronika to a seat. And look where it is, right next to me. I look at her while shes sitting down, and give her a little "Hi", while turning back to focus on class.

 After class was over, i went to xander and whit, and we walked to the Cafeteria, sitting down at a free table. 

''Hey, isnt that the new girl over there?" , Whit points at Veronika, standing awkwardly , unsure of where to sit. 

"Oh, yes thats miss Veronika!", Xander replies. "She seems a little bit lost.", he adds on. 

"Dont you think that shes a little bit kooky?", Whit replies and i look up from my food.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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