Ashton's backstory

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Ashton had a flattering complexion, his cheekbones, prominent on his skull like cheeks, highlighted his perfectly situated nose. His eyebrows, thin, yet complimentary to his appearance. His hair was constantly changing, to fit his new personality, however, whichever way he wore it didn't matter, he always looked good. Ashton, of course, knew this about himself, however he was a modest guy, or the so called nice guy. To enhance his demeanour, he wore a cleverly placed chain around his neck that complimented his toned physique.

Ashton's life wasn't fulfilled at River valley high school. He kept feeling a part of himself was missing. His school work was lacking and his social life, even more so.  Ashton didn't consider himself a very idiosyncratic person, however he wouldn't mind the slightest bit of attention on him from time to time. He considered himself a rather sanguine and approachable person. His best friend Paul Breach was quite the opposite. He was irrational and restless, and didn't reveal a lot about himself, he was very much a closed book. The two, however got on quite well, both of them somewhat trivial and unimposing.

It was only Paul that knew about Ashton's dark side. While being unobtrusive at school, at home, Ashton was liable to create a calamity, and chaos wherever he strode. No one but Paul knew that in reality, Ashton was merely a troubled bad boy. However, his deepest and darkest secret wasn't shared with anyone but his journal, Pink Panther. Ashton was humiliated to tell anyone this, no one knew the pain he was going through at home, his desperation got so high that he resorted to: Odontarrupophobia, or the fear of brushing his teeth. No one could see that all Ashton needed was some recognition. Of course his parents, however, couldn't give that to him.

Ashton had five brothers and one sister, Blip, who he often enjoyed late nights chattering away to. His parents were not invested in his life all that much, they spent the majority of their time focused on their professions, pet psychologists. They both worked at the same veterinary clinic as shrinks for troubled pets. Ashton was very proud of them, and never forgot to mention their occupation to new friends.

Ashton wrote a lot in Pink Panther. About his troubles at school and home, and most of all, about his dream guy. On a particular night, after a long talk with Blip, his younger sister, about his tenderness and affection for Paul, Ashton decided to confess his true feelings about him, to Pink Panther of course. Sure him and Paul were close, but never in a million years would Ashton ever think that Paul might have mutual feelings toward him. Paul, that was Ashton's dream guy, he truly had the belief that Paul was the guy for him, his platinum ginger hair gave off a sort of comfort and admiration Ashton had never gotten from anyone before.

Ashton had to keep his secret for one main reason. His girlfriend, Destiny. Him and Destiny had been through a lot together, always on and off, like a fire slowly burning in the night, dying down, and then relighting. Destiny was a sort of cover for Ashton. With her, Ashton wouldn't appear problematic, instead, he would seem as though he was in a healthy committed relationship with Destiny. For that reason, it was even more important for Ashton to stick with her. Although, he did consider himself higher in social ranking than her.

Anyway, Ashton would be seeing Paul at school the next day. 

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