Chapter 4: Highway To Hell

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We only met each other just the other day, but you already got me feeling some type of way.

The nod of my head was enough for Maya to leave and join Jenna and Antonio as Maddison's sorrowful face disappeared somewhere in the crowd. Their absence brought a strange feeling of peace as Damon and I were the only ones in this half circle booth.

"Why would we need a truce?" I turn to his low voice, eyes flaming up at mine. "I haven't realised there was any conflict between us."

The side of my upper lip is twisted up as I turn into the seat, facing him as he repeats the action, keeping his elbow to rest on top of the backrest. My face left the impassiveness along with Maddison, now the cruel deception lays there bare, looking at the cold face that I hate so much.

Get close to him.

I scoot over slightly, grabbing his glass as I raise it in front of him, waiting for him to grasp it. He eyes it for a moment too long, then takes the glass and looks back at me.

"How about because of your friends?" I asks.

He clicks his tongue, in somewhat disgust and adds. "Not friends, just forced to play nice."

"Then true, there is no conflict." the lies go over my tongue so effortlessly. "But I love making toasts."

He raises his brow, nodding as he looks down at his drink. "Anything specific or just usual traditional?"

I hum, looking down as well. I try to think of toats, but my mind finds none good for this moment so I take his mention into consideration. I look up, finding his eyes once again when I say. "We should revise our first meeting."

He leans back. "It was not a good meeting."

I nod in agreement. "It really wasn't."

The truth is it could have been much worse. He should be glad there wasn't a knife between his eyes. I raise a glass, mulling over all the toats I know, then settling on my dad's favourite. I feel guilt, knowing I would break it, so I smile through the agony as I recite it.

"May we bury the ugly past and let the ravishing future shine alongside us."

Through mutual cheerses, the tongue wets his lips as our glasses clatter over each other's edges, like the bells opening gates to another hour of upcomings. Unpleasant sensation is blistering the healthy air from my lungs as I swallow it down, our eyes locked as we drink down the lies.

I laugh at the face he pulls when the glass is away from him. "Not a fan of vodka?"

"Is anyone?"

"A lot of people." I answer, taking the bottle and sipping another glass.

I cross out vodka in my mind when it comes to alcohol I can use to erase his clear and sober mind when I need information. I even considered sipping something else in his drinks in hope of him speaking faster, but it's too much of a risk if he ever finds out.

"I suppose tastes are a matter of opinion."

I don't get the chance to ask another question when a familiar frame stumbles to the table, grabbing a martini in her hand. I furrow my brows at Jenna, who looks even more joyful than usual, if that is even possible, propping herself next to me, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

Antonio was right behind her, looking out of breath as if he had been chasing her, which he probably did. Supporting his weight on the table as he takes another breath along with the glass from my hands and empties it in his throat.

My shocked face is mixed with annoyance as he swallows it down, placing it back in front of me with a witty smile. I look between them, not even sure where to begin, but he does it for me.

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