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— Let the earth run to nowhere. Let her beauty bind me. Let time fly, let it go again. I want to love the way she sings.


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It is probably a shame to get knocked up while still a child. But girls used to get married and have children before their menstrual cycle started. Now society despises girls for making a mistake when they think they have made a mistake. For Melissa, having a baby inside her wasn't a mistake, it's just that if she had been a little less naive then she would have hardly agreed to Gerard's proposal.

- Isa, who are you dressing up for? We're bloody late! - shouted Gerard.

He had been jumpy since this morning. You could tell it was because today would be the first time he would see his baby and find out the gender. Although his wife insisted it was a surprise.

- Melissa dear, even private clinics don't wait forever!

Finally she came down and gave her husband a disgruntled look. Why yell like that?

Their family life was going at its own pace and they were thankful that no one was disturbing them. Nat and her family visited for another week and left, and Mikael only stayed for two days. Gerard's brothers visited them more often, for they lived closer. They took it calmly enough, as if it were meant to be. That was everybody's reaction, though.

- You know, the team argued," Shakira's new hit was playing and Melissa began to sing along.

- On what?

– Who will we have, – Gerard started laughing and Mel looked at him perplexed. - I'm sorry, it's just that Leo asked me to tell you that he is expecting a boy. In fact, he bet a decent amount on it.

They chatted all the way and seemed happy. If they were, let's be happy for them.

The car stopped in a private car park near the clinic. They didn't want to be noticed. At the reception desk the couple were greeted by a girl who did not seem at all surprised at the arrival of such people. They were taken to the room and waited for the midwife.

- Hi, nice to see you," a middle-aged woman smiled warmly at them as she leafed through the mum-to-be's medical records. - My name is Christina.

Turning on the device, she sat down closer to the mummy who was lying on the couch.

- Mrs. Piquet, lift up your shirt, I need to spread the gel.

The cold made the girl shudder and shriek a little, which made her husband intuitively move to meet her. The midwife smiled at that.

- Let's see who you're having," Gerard nodded in anticipation.

A baby appeared on the screen, but something confused Christine.

This was Gerard's training. He had arrived quite early, due to being up all night. His wife gets hungry at night and he has to run between the kitchen and the bedroom to feed her.

He was surprised that no one was there. Usually there were at least some workers at the stadium at this time, but he didn't see them either. Deciding not to waste time, Piqué started to train, waiting for his partner to come later. What he certainly didn't expect to see was his wife wandering around the stadium.

- Mel, honey, what are you doing here? - She walked towards him in the middle of the field, puzzled by his reaction.

- You texted me yourself.

At that moment the heart of the couple almost stopped. From out of nowhere, the players appeared and started throwing balloons at them, filled and coloured hollies. Opening her eyes, Melissa saw that she and Gerard were completely covered in this paint, as were the guys laughing and filming it all. But that wasn't what was important, it was the colours. Pink and blue.

- YOU'VE GOT BLOODY TWINS! - Yelled Dani Alves.

Gerard quickly pulled Melissa against him, kissing her. They were both crying.

- 'I can see one baby on the screen, he's healthy and developing well,' Cristina muttered, making her parents smile. - But... you have another baby," Gerard stood behind the midwife, staring at the screen. - He's doing great too. Congratulations!

mini chapter since I need to move on

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mini chapter since I need to move on. Please leave comments if you like it!)

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