Scars And Ashes - Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

Although, I sincerely didn’t understand why Damien would say that to him. Unless… he wasn’t gay? But who knows what Trent has done with Damien so far, he just can’t lie about his sexuality, while he’s with Trent. Trust me; I don’t think it’s possible.

“Trent it’s alright, when he’s ready to talk he’ll talk. But I’m sure it has nothing to do with you. I’m sure you’re being a rocking boyfriend” I said, patting his shoulder.

He looked at me with his big round blue eyes. A smile finally formed on his lips.

“Thank you Scarlett.”

“Anytime, Trey.” I said, using an old nickname I thought of a long time ago.  Once we were both finally settled down, I went into his cabinet and brought out a bag of Doritos. I sat him down, and we started to watch Magic Mike, from where he had left off as an attempt to cheer him up.

It was in the middle of the movie, when I felt my phone buzz. Thinking it was probably Ash, asking how I was doing I checked it.  Although it turned out to be a number I did not recognize. I opened the message.

I felt my heart leap into my throat, and that I would have puked it out, and stomped on it, again and again. I felt it break into to two pieces. None of the fragments wanting to remain in my body.

The words were in a pretty italics font. It said the words that were painfully true at the moment.

It’s your fault for falling… Now who’s here to catch you?

Beneath it was a picture of Ash, and Lauren. Lip to lip. Her coat was forgotten her button up on the ground, and with Ash clearly responding to her actions. Heck maybe it was Lauren, responding to what Ash had started. Her palms pressed flat on his stomach, and his arms around her. Both their eyes closed.

I dropped my phone, in complete awe. I felt a tear escape my eye. I left him for half an hour and he found someone knew. Was my past just too much for him? Were all those things he said about not caring about what I’ve been through a lie? I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him. All guys are the same. I KNEW IT. More tears came rushing down my face, and I couldn’t even stop them. I knew it.

Scarlett why did you get in so deep? Why did you have to like him? Why didn’t you just leave when you could have?

I sat there, dazed, confused, and most importantly heartbroken. I felt Trent’s hands on my shoulder, shaking me out of my trance.

“What happened, why are you crying, Scar-” Was all he got done of his sentence, before he glanced down at my phone, and the open text message.

“I will, sack him so hard he won’t even know the definition of pregnancy.” Trent said fists in tightly clenched balls. I would have laughed at his comment but at that moment nothing seemed funny, or real…

I trusted Ash. I opened up. I told him, about my past.

I couldn’t even think anymore, I got up, and grabbed my jacket. Closing the door behind me, Trent’s words of asking me where the hell I was going, were left behind. I knew where I was going, and no one was going to stop me either.

I came into the vast field that joins with the forest. That’s when I started running. Ripping my coat off in the process, it was a nuisance that was slowing me down. The cold wasn’t an asset that affected me anymore. When I was in deep, and no longer in the shallows of the forest; I took off my sweater, and left myself in my tank top. I inched the neck line a little lower, just for a good measure.

I started to scout around, waiting for a person to come. Anyone to come. Hoping this wasn’t going to be one of those nights, where there’s just nobody out. I heard a twig snap. And my heart raced in my chest. I stood there waiting for whatever it was to come closer.

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