Episode 3: In which Gayle meets Gilbert

Start from the beginning

Storm eagerly snatches up the papers.  "Today's question is sent in by @Kemiberry."  Storm waves.  "Hi, Kemiberry!  She asks: 'Do spiders have proper feelings when they mate, or do they have a child and pretty much ignore each other?'"  She shoots a look of alarm at Kat, who returns it.

"Well, this show was supposed to be child-friendly..."  The elder grumbles.

"Gayle, can you come over here, please?!!"  Storm calls.

"DON'T DO IT, GAYLE!!!  YOU'LL BE THROWING AWAY YOUR INNOCENCE!!!"  Kat screams desperately, as Gayle scuttles over.  The spider climbs up Storm's leg and onto the table.

"That's it.  We're doomed!"  Kat groans.

"Gayle, I want you to meet someone."  Storm says, opening her palm.  A tiny male spider blinks up at her.  "Gayle, meet Gilbert!"  Storm shouts triumphantly.  

Gilbert jumps in fright and lands in front of Gayle.

Spider's POV:

Gilbert: Well, hello there!

Gayle: *Flutters all of her eyelashes*  Nice of you to drop in!

Gilbert: You're looking gorgeous today!

Gayle: -And you're not too bad yourself, stranger!

Gilbert: And I'm not just a stud, I'm romantic, too!

*Cue cheesy romantic montage of them biking on a tandem, having a candlelit dinner, dancing, etc.*

Gayle: *Swoons*

Gilbert: *Kneels down and pulls out a fly*  Will you marry me?

Gayle: *Squeals and hops up and down*  YES!!!  YES!!!  YES!!!  *Eats fly*

Gilbert: Let's honeymoon right now!

Host's POV:

"Oh, no!"  Kat gasps.

Storm squints at the spiders.  "What are they saying?"

"Well, Gilbert just proposed, Gayle accepted, and now they're going to honeymoon."  Kat translates.

"Oh, okay.  Wait, here?!!"

As the spiders begin to mate, Kat shrieks and covers Storm's eyes.  "DON'T LOOK, CHILD!!!"

Storm peers out from between her friend's fingers, wide-eyed.  "Well, this is awkward..."  She gulps.

-A few minutes later-

"Wow, spiders can sure mate for a looooong time."  Storm observes.

Kat claps her hands together loudly.  "Alright, that's enough!  Break it up!"

-About a month later-

Spider's POV:

Gilbert: *Racing to the spider hospital*  OMIGOSH!!!  OMIGOSH!!!  I hope I get there on time!!!

*Runs up to a nurse*  Where's Gayle?!!

Nurse: Sir, I don't think that you're-


Nurse:  *Mutely points down the hall*

Gilbert: *Already running*  Thank you!

Gilbert: *Opens door*

Gayle: *Looks up at him lovingly*  You're just in time...  *Shows him the egg sac that's in her arms*  They're hatching!

Gilbert: *Excitedly watching as they hatch*

Also Gilbert: *Internal screaming*

Host's POV:

"The eggs are hatching."  Kat states calmly.

"Ooh!"  Storm squeals with delight, then pauses, gathering the few tiny thoughts that make it to her brain.  "Aaaww, did you make them a tiny hospital?"

"Uhh..  Maybe..?"  Kat looks embarrassed.

"That's so cute!!!"

"Okay, okay, don't bust a gasket."  Kat grumbles, blushing slightly.

"I knew you had a heart in there somewhere!"  Storm smirks, snickering.

Kat smacks her in the back of the head lightly.  "I knew you didn't have a brain in there anywhere!"  She exclaims gleefully.

"Touché, Kat."  Storm mutters.

"Look!"  Kat points at the spiders.  Miniscule babies are emerging from the sac.  "What are you going to name them all?"  Kat asks the proud parents.

Spider's POV:

Gayle: Well, I thought Sasha for this one, Wilbur for him, Tamara for her-

Gilbert: Whoa whoa whoa!  Aren't you going to let the ladies name a couple?!!  They're the godmothers of these two, after all!!!  *He lifts up two babies*

Host's POV:

Kat clasps a hand over her heart, overcome, whilst Storm gasps and wipes a tear from her eye with a sniff.

Kat indicates a baby.  "I'm rather keen on Lucretia for this one."

"Pfft!"  Storm snorts.  "That's a pretty unusual name, don't you think?"

"Not unusual, unused."  Kat corrects.  "..And let me guess, you're going to do the same?"

"Pfft, nooo..!"  Storm says again.  She pauses, then hastily adds,  "Let's call the other one Cressida, shall we?"

Kat bursts out laughing.  "I knew it!!!"

Spider's POV:

Gayle: What lovely names!

Gilbert: Yes, I agree, but what are we going to name the seventy-three other babies..?!!

Gayle: *Looks worriedly at her husband*  I hope you have a lot of aunts.

Gilbert: Ohhh boy..!

A.N: If anyone got the slight Marvel reference in the beginning, I love you.  ~Kat 😸🌺

Not me losing even more braincells the more we brain-STORM these.  Heeheehee!  ~Storm 🌩

FLIP ALL THE TABLES!!!!!!  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻  ~Also Storm  😈

This episode was first aired on Thursday, January 12, 2023

Word count: 1256

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