chapter one : The Boy on The Train

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"You didn't forget anything so stop worrying!" My mother laughed at my nervousness.

"But what if I did! What if I missed something important that I won't be able to function without?" I fidget with the sleeve of my jumper anxiously.

"We went over everything four times, making sure you had everything that you'll need," Mum comforts and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"You'll be fine darling, now give your mother a hug and get going, the train should leave soon." Mum smiles brightly and I wrap my arms around her and shut my eyes tightly as I hug my mum. After a moment I let you off the hug and went to hug my father.

"Now don't go getting in too much trouble, and no kissing boys," dad laughs and so do I as I embrace my dad. I pull away once more before wiping a few tears away. I stand in front of my trunk and take a deep breath in and out. This is it. The moment you've been waiting for. I think to myself before starting to walk to the train.

The floating charm dad helped me with made my trunk float a few inches off the ground so I wouldn't have to lug the darn thing around everywhere. I place my hand on the top to guide it towards the train. I look back at my parents one last time. Dad wiped his eyes and mum was waving me off. I smile at both of them before boarding the train.

Both of my parents were Hufflepuffs at Hogwarts back in their day, though they hadn't met each other until after the both left. Both of their families had lots of Hufflepuffs in their history, so statistically I'll probably be a Hufflepuff, but something in me says otherwise. From what I know about the houses, Gryffindor seemed to resonate with me, so I secretly hope to be in Gryffindor.

I begin searching for an empty compartment, hitting myself in the head for not boarding sooner. There were no empty compartments. I head from the front to the back and to my luck, there is a compartment with two people. A boy with black hair and wore black clothing, the other a girl with long red hair. I open the door just a bit to speak to the two.

"I can't seem to find any empty compartments, would I be intruding to sit here?" I ask politely. I was always taught to be polite. The boy with the black hair glared at me a bit and the girl seemed to notice but brushed it off.

"It's no problem at all," She smiles sweetly and I open the door the rest of the way and enter. I close the door and take a seat beside the girl.

"I'm Lily, Lily Evans," She holds her hand out and I take it.

"Y/N, Y/N L/N," I mimic her introduction playfully. The boy keeps looking out of the window, occasionally sending a glare my way. He kind of makes me a bit uncomfortable, but I have nowhere else to sit.

"I'm assuming you're both first years" I say as more of a question.

"Yes, Severus and I are both first years," Lily says. At least I know the boy's name now. Some light chatting happens for the first ten minutes of the ride to Hogwarts, with it mostly being between Lily and I, with Severus saying some one word answers when Lily tries to include him in the conversation. I seem to make him just as uncomfortable as he makes me.

"I'm gonna use the washroom," I stood up awkwardly, waving bye to Lily. I feel bad since Lily has been nothing but kind in the few minutes that I've known her, but I have no intentions of returning to that compartment. Maybe Lily and I will be friends at Hogwarts. I use it as my excuse for ending our conversation so abruptly.

I walk down the halls, once again looking for an empty compartment. I look from compartment to compartment, but none that meet my already low bar of bearable.

"Are you looking for something?" I turn around to see a boy with his head sticking out of a compartment door.

"No, looking for a compartment," I answer. He sticks his head back in the door for a second before reappearing.

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