hi welcome to Dilf Manor

ابدأ من البداية

Dilf: ...
Dilf: fine
Dilf: you live to see another day kevin moon

whore:3: angry sangyeon is so hot i think i just nutted

token_straight: please
token_straight: shut the fuck up

hellokittyenjoyer: ( •_• )>⌐■-■

sleepatron_3000: IOHGREPIHI

certified_creep: i have full confidence that hyunjae secretly writes erotic fanfics of him and sangyeon

sunnyD: changmin please...

whore:3: who said it was secret

bread.: EW OH MY GOD

hellokittyenjoyer: and he wonders why his name is whore

Mom™: im going to class and when i get back the topic better have changed
Mom™: and no murdering anyone, do you hear me?

sunnyD: yes mom

Mom™: good
Mom™: okay bye <3

moon_cheese: BYE BYE I LOVE YOU <333

sleepatron_3000: i hate being single

token_straight: make your fucking move how about that

certified_creep: tea?

sleepatron_3000: how about you shut the fuck up hak

token_straight: okay loser


sunnyD: there there youngjae

sleepatron_3000: ヽ( ' ∇ ` )ノ

moon_cheese: and he wonders why i call him a toddler
moon_cheese: hes 21 but acts 3

whore:3: i feel bad for laughing

hellokittyenjoyer: no you dont

whore:3: ...
whore:3: no i dont

certified_creep: IUWEGRFOIG PLEASE

bread.: the power chanhee holds

moon_cheese: ^^^

hellokittyenjoyer: it comes with being god

token_straight: go check your ego pls

hellokittyenjoyer: hak stop being homophobic

token_straight: ᕕ( ಠ‿ಠ)ᕗ
token_straight: i give up

Dilf: lol

sleepatron_3000: piHEPGIHERPG


yassified burn-outs

[whore:3 changed their name to 'Himbo™']

certified_creep: and not a_spoon??? :(((

Himbo™: sorry bestie
Himbo™: this one just fits better

sunnyD: at least hes self aware(?)

bread.: keyword "at least"

sleepatron_3000: spihgperihg

manstandingemoji: idk what i missed while i was in class but im scared to find out

sleepatron_3000: OMG HI JUYEONIE HYUNG !!!!!

manstandingemoji: hi eric

token_straight: and thats 18 times now

Grow as we goحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن