Chapter 2: The Trip Down Below.

Start from the beginning

"Once you land, there should be a Shane hideout a couple hundred feet away. But, you must remember that you need to gather Slugs as well as a team. Your Slugs will be your most powerful companions down here."

Angel read out the note, thinking about her team. She couldn't reply on just Sandy, she will definitely need more Slugs, just like her mother suggested. However, a soft chirp from a new slug drew her out of her trance.

"Oh! Hello there, little guy. I didn't see you down there."

The little Arachnet Slugs chirped happily as it gently nuzzled the hand holding the note.

"You wanna come with us, little guy?"

The Arachnet nodded as it looked up at the purple haired individual. Now Angel needed to come up with a name for the new guy.

"Hmm, since you're an Arachnet, how about we call you Widow? Ya know, like the Black Widow Spider?"

The Arachnet chirped in response, nodding as it chirped happily, clearly he liked the new name, which made Angel happy. Turning her attention towards the note as Widow got comfy next to Sandy, Angel began walking towards the Shame Hideout that her mother had told her about.

Once arriving at the Shane Hideout, Angel looked at the two Slugs on her shoulder. Sandy simply nodded at her singer, Angel opened the doors, being greeted by a type of mole creature. This greatly confused her as she was still in her surface clothes. Oh shit--

"What are you doing here? And what are you wearing?!" The shorter mole like creature questioned Angel. Like HE had any right to ask her that! Pretty sure Waverly would have mentioned someone else here by the time she arrived. "Hello? Earth to crazy person?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I'm Angel Fireheart."

"Wait. Fireheart? Why do I feel like I've heard that name before?"

"It was my mother's name. Ya know, Waverly Fireheart? She worked alongside Will Shane?"

This made the weirdly looking mole being lock up, looking around nervously before turning his attention towards Angel.

"Ah, Yes!" He exclaimed, shedding the nervous exterior, although, Angel could tell that he was still nervous. "I have heard tales about her bravery alongside Will Shane. I didn't realise she had such a beautiful daughter though."

Hearing this from a mole made Angel physically shudder. Sure she was betrothed, but that still didn't mean she wanted attention from a mole man!

"Listen here, Moleman."

"I am the great Pronto."

"Whatever. I really don't appreciate getting advances a mole. I'm betrothed to Will Shane's son Eli Shane." Man that didn't really feel good coming out of her mouth. But she'd much rather this Eli character than... This Mole...

Turning her attention towards the Mole, Angel noticed that he wasn't even paying attention to her anymore. Rolling her eyes, Angel walked past the Moleman known as Pronto before taking out the note her mother left again.

"When you arrive at the hideout, there should be a spare outfit for you. Meaning you will have to ditch the surface clothing. Nobody must know about the land up top. If anyone were to find out, it would be disastrous for both worlds."


I'm not surprised. Mum did tell me that the Shane's and Fireheart's had a lot of secrets." Angel looked towards Sandy who just chirped with a small head tilt. Sandy and her new Slug, Widow, both jumped off Angel's shoulder and onto a bench while Angel got herself changed.

Stepping out of the closet, Angel stood in front of a mirror to admire herself. The skin tight clothing really making her curves and hourglass figure really pop! She was wearing a long sleeved, royal blue top with a pair of dark grey, almost black, leggings, that ended halfway down her shin bone. Her shoes were also royal blue with a piece of red strapping tape going across her shoes. Angel looked over at the Shane badge that came with the spare outfit set. She had thought about wearing it but wanted to stay undercover until the right time.

Reaching over, she grabbed the badge and shoved it into her pocket. Sandy let out a soft chirp as she was perched atop of a box with the exact same logo that was on the badge.

"Mum did say she liked leaving some blasters around the hideout."

Reaching over, Angel opened the chest to reveal a very simple red blaster, a soft smile spreading across her lips as she lifts the blaster out of the box.

"It's beautiful." She said softly before putting the blaster in its holster on the right-hand side of her bright red belt. Both Sandy and Widow jumped back onto their slingers shoulder, ready to take part in their next glorious adventure!

Making her way out of the bedroom, she found that same Moleman lounging around!

"Hey! Why are you still in here?!" She yelled, which startled the mole, making him stumble on his words.

"Why are you still here? I thought you left!"

"Well I'm still here! And if you are still here by the time I get back, I won't hesitate to use this on you." Angel growled, loading Sandy into the blaster and pointed it directly at the mole. Said mole raised his arms defensively as he yelped.

"Alright, Alright!" He exclaimed before running off. Unknown to Angel that Pronto will soon become her companion. Well, one of them.

"Alright, mum also mentioned a mecha beast waiting for me, right?" Angel directed her attention towards Sandy who was perched on her shoulder. The light brown slug pointed towards the garage doors to which Angel walked over to. Opening the doors, Angel found three mecha beasts. One was a wolf based mech, another was a donkey based mech while the third looked like a Fox. Perfect for Angel!

"No way, mum!" Angel exclaimed as she made her way over to the mech, gently running her fingertips along the cold metal. Her fingertips stopped when she saw what model the Mecha Beast is. "Trickster Mark 4, huh? How about we call you Tricky?" Looking over at the Mecha Beast, she smiled and gently pats the side before jumping onto its back. "Now uh... How do I turn you on?" Angel puzzled as she looked for some kind of ignition. Widow jumped off Angel's shoulder and landed on the ignition button. Angel noticed and turned the Mecha on, a bright blue light illuminating it's eyes. "Ah ha! There we go! Hey there, Tricky." The Mecha Beast looked back at its new rider, Angel smiled as she opened the garage door. The Mecha walking outside as the door closed behind them.

Looking at the sky above her, Angel had a last minute idea before taking off to find her team of Slugs. Taking her blaster off it's holster, she loads a canister with Sandy inside, smiling. Sandy was ready! She missed being fired and hitting velocity!

"Ready, girl?" Angel questioned Sandy who was chirping in reply, nestling into the canister. Angel lifts the blaster, pointing it to the sky before pulling the trigger. Sandy was shot out of the blaster, reaching 100mph, transforming into a glorious dragon slug. Angel's eyes widen as she saw the sight in front of her eyes. Sandy looked absolutely magnificent! "Wow!" Angel exclaimed as she watched Sandy do impressive loops and twists before making her way back to Angel, reverting back to her smaller form and landing perfectly on Angel's shoulder. "That was incredible, Sandy!"

Sandy chirps in the form of a giggle. Angel shook her head before putting her blaster back on it's holster. Putting her Mecha in to hear and taking off, starting her trip in finding new Slug companions.

However, little did Angel know that as she set off the blaster to fire Sandy, the second drop had been activated, sending Eli down to Slugterra.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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