Just Some Us Time (Max x Genie)

Start from the beginning

Time passed and soon enough, Max and Genie were already on their way to head out to one of the vacancy cabins that Max remembered Charlie telling him about. From what he was told, apparently the vacancy cabins were cabins that the Pastas were allowed to go to whenever they needed - desperately needed - a break and in that case, Max and Genie both needed one real bad. Things had been getting hard for the couple, Genie had been getting more and more picked on and Max just seemed to agitate more people by standing at their bedsides and watching them sleep. I mean, it was already a pretty creepy habit but more people like Enrique and Cassian for example, just seemed to loathe the sight of Max alone. It didn't help when Charlie had to get the young boy to actually read Max's thoughts and tell Charlie himself through mind-talk, when he especially really didn't want to. But regardless, the viking dad figured that the two could use a bit of a break, or more so, a vacation of some sort. So when Max and Genie finally arrived at the cabin, Genie timidly pecked Max's cold and clammy cheek with a sweet little kiss, automatically making the man's eyes grow wide and his cheeks come to life with color. "Yay, we're here finally." The brown-haired girl murmured in her usual quiet voice. It wasn't like she couldn't raise her voice that much anyways, considering the loose stitching done on her lips, but still, whenever Genie could, her voice was easy to decipher from just how gentle it usually was and needless to say, Max admired the sound of it. 

As always, a nod was the only response Genevieve got and the girl really couldn't care less about that. He was quiet and she was quiet, which was perfect for the two of them. After all, what more could she possibly want? Everything just seemed to be just so much better with Max. It just felt like...ever since the two met and started loving each other, the time they spent together was when Genie was always at her happiest. She wasn't sure what it was about the mute male that she loved and adored so much, but that only made her love him so much more. The fact that she couldn't quite put her finger on it and just pin down the reason she loved him so much, just made their love that more thrilling to her. And the fact that she and Max were actually going someplace else to spend some time together just made her so much happier. Genie opened the door and helped Max carry their stuff inside. As per usual, the wood looked worn-down and old and the whole place smelt like dust and mildew, though the smell definitely came more from the window cills and whatnot. "Huh, this doesn't look too bad, huh, Max?" Genie asked, smiling back at him as he trudged inside the cabin. Max blinked once more, then shared a smile back and nodded. 

Between the two of them, they both knew that Genie tended to talk a lot more and without restraint around Max and that was purely because she was comfortable around Max. Certain people struggled to see how she came around to see Max as a genuinely comforting person, but.. The girl in the bright sweater honestly didn't care what others thought about them as long as she had her boy, then that was all she could care about in the end. She came over and cuddled her lover close, blush lightly decorating her adorable scarred cheeks. "I love you, Max. I-I love that you were w-willing to do this for me.. I didn't think you would t-to be honest," Genie murmured, her cheek pressed against Matthew's stiff chest, her violet eye glancing up to meet his charmingly blank face as he towered over her. "I-I'm sorry if it sounded m-mean, but it's true, t-to say the least. I guess I just didn't think you'd care enough to take me somewhere w-where we can be us and n-not have anyone judge us, M-Maxie." She didn't get the chance to say more, since she was startled yet surprised to feel the cold thumb of her partner gently run itself across her face. His touch made her shiver, but... certainly not in a bad way. It was a foreign type, like the sensation of him touching her always sended chills running through her body. 

That was how Genie felt as Max's lips curved into a gentle grin. Max may not have been able to speak, but... his expression tended to say all the things he couldn't say out loud and Genie somehow always knew what was on his mind. And this time, his eyes practically said "It's alright, love. There's no need for any of that anymore, I'm here now." Genie lost herself in those eyes of his and she had to retract her gaze from his, in order to fully think again. She smiled. "Thanks Max, I-I don't know what I'd do if it weren't for you or where I-I'd even be if it weren't for you." Max's eyes widened for a split second or at least.. that's what Genie thought she saw and she honestly found herself not being too surprised at this. Max of course didn't wanna imagine his life without her. He wasn't the best at showing it, but.. that didn't mean anything. That didn't mean he didn't care about her, of course not, he just... really didn't like the idea of being on his own and well off without his girl. Despite not being too sure whether or not her sight was playing tricks on her, the brunette made sure to cling to him, as a way of comfort. "D-Don't worry, Maxie.. I'd never leave you, I promise..." She said as she blushed hard against his coat. "You're all I have and a-all I'd ever want... You're the only reason I-I'm still here and i-if anything, you're the one thing I look forward to, t-the most.." Max smiled a bit wider upon hearing this and the sweet silence that always remained between them was all they heard as he leaned over and gave her forehead a little kiss of his own. 

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