Chapter 2

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(The first day of Ua)

I followed Kacchan too the Ua building. I was so happy when he got in Class 1a with the top score. I followed as Kacchan walked into the class early. A girl walked up with brown hair and pink cheeks and said "Thank you for saving me." Kacchan grunted and turned away to walk to a desk. I sighed and flouted behind Kacchan. "Kacchan you have to be nice. I know you don't wanna lose anyone else but you won't. I promise I won't lose anyone else." Kacchan sat in the desk and laid his head down. He whispered softly. "We made it Zuzu. Just wish you was here." Some guy with red hair I guess heard Kacchan because he asked "Are you ok. You seem sad." He held out his hand and said "by the way I'm Eijiro Kirishima." Kacchan slowly lifted his head and held his hand out to the boy. "Katsuki Bakugou. Yea I'm okay just wish my friend was here. He would have loved this place. It was his dream to be a hero." The boy named Kirishima nods and says "He didn't pass the exam?" A girl with pink skin and alien horns ran over and was like "oh your the boy who was in the villian attack. There was another person right?" He asked pointing at Kacchan. Kacchan growled again and stood up and stormed out of class. I stayed back a bit too see what the two people would say. The boy Kirishima imma call him Kiri because his name is to long. But the boy Kiri looked at the girl and said "Mina that was mean. What if he didn't wanna remember that he was attacked." Mina gasped and said "oh no. I didn't think of that. I just was curious." He smiles and slowly disappeared and reappeared near Kacchan who was crying. "Kacchan don't cry oh please don't cry." Kacchan whipped his tears and said "it should have been me who died and not you. I'm sorry Zuzu that I get to live your dream. But I'll make sure I save people in your name. Imma even make my suit after the one you made in your notebook for me when we was kids. I'll be the hero you would have been." I smiled and looked up only too see the boy from earlier Kiri standing a little of to the side. He walked over and kneeled in front of Kacchan and said "He dude I'm sorry I was listening but I was coming to say sorry for Mina she was just very curious and stuff. But uh that boy who saved you he's the one you call Zuzu right?" Kacchan only nodded then he said "Yea Zuzu was my best friend. But when I got my quirk I kinda was mean to him. He saved me during that villian attack but didn't make it. I wanna be a hero because of him. Please don't tell anyone I don't wanna be seen as weak for crying." I smiled sadily. It hurt that Kacchan could talk to this boy so easily but i mean the guys really nice and he kinda acts like I used to sweet and kind to everyone so Kacchan might fell like he is me. I watched as Kiri and Kacchan walked back to class together. When they walked in the teacher was just telling people to be quiet. I looked at the teacher then gasped. "Omg it's Eraserhead. Omg omg omg!" I was fanboying as a ghost because my favorite hero was in front of me. I finally caught my bakeing when I heard the teacher to tell the student to go get changed. I followed Eraserhead to the gym. I watched everyone in the class do the test. I had caught a lot of the peoples names. The guy who snapped at Mic at the exam is a boy named Iida and the girl with brown hair is named Uraraka. It was really fun getting to know Kacchans class. There is also a really cute boy named Shinsou Hitoshi in Kacchans class. After his class finished the test they were sent to lunch. I followed Kacchan to the cafeteria as he talked with Kiri. It was really cool seeing him make friends. I was really happy for him. The day passed with Kacchan talking to his new friends who named their self the Bakusquad. They were all really cool. There is a boy name Sero who is Spanish which is really cool to listen and his quirk is tape quirk. He can make tape from his elbows. There was a boy name Denki who was really funny. I wish I could have meet him when I was alive. He has a quirk that is electricity. Its really cool I have so many theroies about his quirk. That I wish I could write down. As I though that I notebook appeared in my hand. "Well." I giggled. Getting back to Kacchans friends there was a girl in his group the alien girl from earlier. Her name is Mina and she seems like she loves fashion and stuff like that. Her quirk is acid. She can shoot acid from her hands. Kacchans friend were all so cool.

I hope you like this.

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