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I groaned but decided I had no fight left in me. "Fine!" I said after waiting a few seconds as Sugar made hopeful faces at me.


Sugar was right. Once I showered, I felt at least 30% better. As soon as I came out to the living room in my comfiest pajamas, Sugar handed me a place of scrambled eggs and toast, instructing me to eat it. Then, she put on 'She is the Man,' and watching Amanda Bynes' pretty face just made me feel a bit worse about myself. She was gorgeous even as a man!

Before I knew it was dark out, and Noel was here with Charlie, both ready to party, according to her. My puffy eyes were better as I couldn't cry all day. Sugar even stood outside the bathroom, asking me every minute if I was okay. She was not working on my makeup. "We are going for a natural look. It shouldn't take long!" She said as I protested and suggested I just go in my pajamas.

Once Sugar was done, I took a look and slightly smiled. My tired face didn't look so gray and washed out. The light pink she put on my lips made them look less thin, and the cat eyeliner and mascara made my eyes pop. The funny thing was, I didn't think I had makeup on. Then I remembered Danielle, I bet she had nothing on, and she looked gorgeous without trying, and I was back down. Damn it. Why was my brain betraying me when I was starting to feel better? Thankfully Sugar was on it. She handed me a shiny blue dress and simply said, "Change!"

The dress hugged me right. Granted, I didn't have the slimmest body, but I didn't look bad in this baby blue shiny dress. This definitely helped. So what if Alex didn't think I was pretty? I was going to go to a club today and dance the night away with my friends.

We were both ready. Sugar put on a red pantsuit jumper, Noel a little black dress, and we all looked perfect. Though, of course, my brain reminded me that if I had to rank us on the scale of looks, Sugar would come in first, Noel a very close second, and me a very far below third. I shook my insecurities out of my brain and asked Sugar to take pictures to sign that I was game for the night.

"Okay, three shots before we go for your three decades on earth!" Noel whooed.

One after the other, I let the cold liquid burn my almost empty stomach. Oddly enough, I enjoyed the sensation. It indicated that I was going to be buzzed, and I was because Noel didn't stop at just 3 shots. She kept pouring me drinks and making excuses for me to take shots. Thankfully, Sugar realized I was getting a bit too drunk and started stealing some of my drinks, "I want you to be able to remember today!" she whispered.

The details of when the other girls arrived and how we got to the club were fuzzy. I remember Sugar directing people to the 2 Ubers and Noel dragging me out once we got to the club. Now the loud music and flashing lights woke me up. That and the fact that several water bottles were shoved down my throat on the ride here.

I was sobering up just as we walked past the crowd, which was meant to be dancing, but there seemed to be no room. Finally, we made it to our small booth in the back, and I immediately wanted to go home.

"This is great, isn't it?" Jazz screamed at me as we took our seats in the booth. I nodded, and she went back to talking to her boyfriend. In fact, they all were doing the same thing. Cal and Sugar giggled as he caressed her thighs next to me. Noel and Charlie pretty much mirror them on the other side of me. The rest of the girls were doing some variation of giggling and caressing in front of me. I was the only one here without someone. But, of course, I was.

"You good? Ready to drink again?" Noel asked.

"I already ordered her a drink and a shot, Noely-bear," Sugar informed.

"I don't really want to dri...." I started to say, but there was no point. They couldn't really hear me, and their boyfriends were tickling them or some shit, so their attentions were diverted. Why can't the men here just huddle up and leave us women alone instead of grip-locking themselves to their girlfriends, I wondered?

Quite QuittingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora