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Aim Lazer — This manually calibrates and aims KITT's on board lazer.

Air Vac — Creates a vacuum inside of KITT's passenger compartment, usually used for cleaning up smoke left over from a bomb that was detonated internally.

Anamorphic Analyzer — Can determine the cause of different types of damage, such as a bullet hole or explosion.

Anharmonic Synthesizer — This function allows KITT to imitate any sound known to man.

Arm Lazer — This manually arm's KITT's on board lazer.

Assign — This is a spot on KITT's switch pod where a function has yet to be assigned.

Aud/Vid Playback — Plays back any previously recorded audio or video.

Aud/Vid Record — Allows KITT to record any audio or video of his nearby surroundings. (Does not have a specific range.)

Aud/Vid Transmit — This is used to talk over different PA systems or speakers.

Audio Bank — An index of all of KITT's sounds he can use and his recorded audio.

Audio Playback — This plays back any previously recorded audio.

Auto Collision Avoidance — When this function is activated, it prevents KITT from crashing into anything.

Auto Cruise — A self propelled guidance system that allows KITT to take over and drive by himself.

Auto Currency Dispenser — A dispenser located on the dash near the Chemical Analyzer, that dispenses currency.

Auto Door — A system that automatically opens KITT's doors. Can be used for one or both.

Auto Phone — Used to make any outgoing calls or receive any incoming calls.

Auto Vac — An automatic self-cleaning system for KITT.

Auto Windows — Automatically rolls the windows up or down.

Auto Roof Left — Raises and opens the left side (driver side) T-top.

Auto Roof Right — Raises and opens the right side (passenger side) T-top.

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