Camille comes and gets me and I stand behind Christian. "Can I turn around yet? I want to turn around," he says as Camille fixes my dress.

"Be patient," she tells him. He sighs loudly so she can hear his annoyance.

"Your very cute letter and my dad already made me cry so please don't make me cry," I tell him.

"No promises."

I grab onto his hand and turn him around so he's not impatient anymore. Immediately, I can see the tears form in his eyes. I have to look away from him as he takes it all in.

"You look so stunning. I can't believe I get to marry you," he says quietly as he walks toward me.

He hugs me, holding on like he won't see me in thirty minutes. "You are so hot. Like, damn my wife is hot," he says in my ear.

I smile and laugh, "Really?"

"What? I didn't want your dad to hear. I might not make it to the ceremony if he heard that."

My smile grows knowing of the slim possibility. Our photographer takes so many pictures of us and our bridal party.

Camille gets out of the photos quickly, "Hey, do you want your dog?"

"Yes," I say, eager to see Scout.

Our bridal party clears out and she lets go of his leash before he runs to us. I got him a bow tie for his collar since we both wanted him to be part of this. He's our baby.

We get a few pictures with Scout before my dad takes him for the ceremony. We have a few minutes alone together. "Are you doing okay?"

"Well, I've only cried twice so, I'd say, yes, I'm okay."

He leans against the building, "We look so good."

"I know, right?"

I line up after Camille and Collin with my dad at my side as we're about to enter the ceremony. I watch Larisa and Cam walk together, then Lizzie and Carter, then Camille and Collin. My dad and I stand together, our arms linked when the soft, piano music starts playing.

I look around at our guests on both sides. Family, friends, teammates, and the one person I told not to be here. Did I really think he'd listen? I plaster a smile on my face as I look straight at Christian as he looks back at me, grinning with joy and excitement.

When we get to the end, I hug my dad before he shakes Christian hand. I stand across from Christian as Ryan stands next to us. Christian convinced Ryan to do this because even after Cody said no, we still wanted someone we knew good enough to officiate.

"Before we get started with the ceremony, it was requested by Jada and Christian that we take a moment of silence for Jada's mom, June. June passed ten years ago and I think everyone can agree that there's no place she'd rather be than right here if she could be."

We take a moment of silence and I keep it together. Ryan speaks up again, "Now, I couldn't be more honored to be standing up here with Christian and Jada. I won't lie they asked me about a month ago so I haven't had that much time to write or think about this."

I look at him, "Ryan, you're making me not confident in your abilities to do this."

Everyone laughs, even Christian, "Don't worry. You won't regret this."

I'll try not to.

"Most, if not all, know that Christian and I were teammates together for three years in Milwaukee. He became my little brother then and he still is. I met Jada in 2018 at Christian's MVP announcement. When she walked into his house, I knew immediately who she was even though we had never met. Both of them have become such good friends to me and my family. My kids love them. My kids are in this wedding so that goes to show how much they love them too."

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