"What do we do?"

"If we-"

"I don't know, man! They're so good!"

"They're not-"

"I know, right?! It's like they're pro athletes or something!"

"Guys, just stop and listen to me right now!"



"...You play rugby, Noodle! How would you know anything about basketball?! Let alone even score a point?!"

"I'm not a dunker or whatever you call those people that runs to the bucket! I shoot three's!"

"Then why haven't you scored a three?!"

"You never pass me the ball when I'm open in the god damn corner!"

Everyone was going ballistics at this point.

Noodle let his inner Hawaiian self out, Max looked ready to cry from all of the harsh yelling, and Y/n continued to sit on the bench and watching everything unfold.

You heard that right.

Y/n was on bench.

For what purpose?

For no purpose as the team came to an agreement on the starting lineup and left Y/n to sit out for the first half.

And quite frankly, he wanted to play.

He had his headband ready and all, even though it would slip down to his eyes and block part of his view.

He lets out a small sigh, basketball is his expertise in sports as he shakes his head.

"We're going to lose, are we?"



"You can do it, Y/n!~"

That scared Y/n up to his feet before glancing around the gym and spotting a familiar girl who he cheered on earlier.

She waved once again in an excited manner as he spots his other friend who did a small and quick wave. "You got this, boys..." Reina smiled as it sparked some confidence in him.


It was unexpected but Y/n felt like a leader now.

He stands up to his feet before pulling his headband down and head towards the flaming hot group.


Everyone continued to argue.

"That's enough!"

They finally turn their attention to Y/n. "I got this..."

"Like what are-"

"Shut up! Let Y/n cook already! What's on your mind?"

"You're our shooting guard..."

"Ugh, finally! I was never a slasher for basketball! ...So that was the term I was looking for..." Noodle nods to himself as he turns to Max.

"Max, be physical..."

"But I don't want to hurt them... I'll be scared if I-"

"I'll get you some ice cream after this..."



"...I'll... try..."

"That's good enough..."

Then the final two who were our background characters with no significance to our fanfic. "Just follow our leads..." Y/n commanded as the five of them take the court with Y/n playing point guard. He held his hands behind his back and stretched his chest as he awaited for the opposing team to take the ball out.

Shikimori X Unconfident Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now