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It's later in the evening as Y/n has just arrived home at around six.

Yet the time was seven.

Why has the time skipped ahead to such a later time of the day?

"Y/n!" A deeper voice calls for him from the first floor of their two story home. After coming home with a few bags of groceries and snacks for the house, he placed them on the kitchen counter and starts heading over to the stairs.

"Y/n! You in here?" He walked up the stairs of this very quiet home that he and his son was in, waiting for their third member of their family to come home as he goes to find the boy.

He gets to his room but stops when he hears music playing in the room. Not able to make up of what kind it was, he'd assume the only possible explanation he realistically thought.

"I hope he's not down again... He's unlucky with girls so it shouldn't be anything surprising if he got rejected again..."

That's what he believed as he knocks on the door and opens it.

"Y/n? What do you want for... dinner?"

It was different when he gets a clear sound of music different than sad. To prove his point, his son was on the ground, doing push-ups.

"Anything with high protein, dad!" He shouts over the loud motivational music as his father was bewildered.

"High protein?" He leans on the doorframe. "What's up with you, kid?"

"I'm training! I mean I'm trying to get into shape!"

"How come all of a sudden? I thought you didn't want to play basketball after your second year in Junior High?"

"...I have... another date... with my crush!"

He knew exactly what Y/n meant, the boy talked about it a lot last weekend and how much fun they had. All he did in return was chuckle lightly.

"Wow... Look at you, stud... Impressing her, huh?"

"I want to look good so she falls in love with me!"

He chuckled a little bit more, smiling softly at his boy's motivation. "Alright, whatever floats your boat... I'll make some steak then..."

"High protein!"

"It's high enough protein already... Just make sure that you do some sit-ups and I'll take the pull-up bar from the basement to install on the doorframe..."

"Okay! Thanks, dad!" Y/n continued to do a few more pushups and stopping all of a sudden. He gets onto his knees, staring in front of him.

This made D/n, Y/n's father a little curious.

"What's wrong?"

"...Dad?" He turns his head to the man while turning his music down.

"What's up?"

"What else exercises are there that I can do?"

"...Not too sure... You should go to the gym if you're that committed to working out..."

"The gym?"

"Yeah... There's one nearby that only cost around fifty hundred yen..."

"That's a lot..."

"I know... It's the gym... I can lend you some money so you can get started or join a club at your school..."

Y/n's eyes widens and shakes his ferociously.

"No way I'm joining a club!"

"Why's that?"

"I tried rugby, yoga, and even the judo dojo that one of my friends owned... I did not last a single day at all and I know I wouldn't like it in the long term..."

"Then gym it is... I can also lend you my old workout schedule if any case at all?"

"Yes, please... I only know push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups... but I'd like to lift weights as well..."

His father smiles a little more, "Okay... Once we're doing with dinner, I can help you out a little with preparations... I'll give you some pre workout I've been taking, the schedule, meal plans you want and need..."

He stops for a bit as he starts to tear up a little.

What he saw in front of him was a reminder of what he also had to go through when he was Y/n's age. He wasn't built but many knew he kept himself fit, seeing that his own son was following his footsteps.

"...Is something wrong?"

"...No... just..."

He wipes away a tear from his eyes.

"I will help you after dinner... Just keep working out and make sure you do your homework as well..."

"Already done with it..."

"Okay, then keep working out..."

"Okay..." Y/n said before continuing his push-ups on the ground and listening as his door was shut. He'd play some music again before doing some other variety of push-ups he remembers.


On the other side of the door, his father still stayed by. Although the music blared to prevent hearing his boy working it, he knows that Y/n was trying his best.

"...You get her, son..." he smiles.

"...Live your youth... and go get that girl..." he says before finally taking his steps away from the room and going downstairs to make some delicious high protein steaks for them and Y/n's mother that was coming home soon.

Shikimori X Unconfident Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now