"That's different!" he says defensively, then backs down. "But yeah, I guess it's finally time for your teenage rebellion to come out somehow." He chuckles, ruffling my hair. "No more miss preppy Nya now."

The boy's laugh next to me makes me sink even deeper in my embarrassment.

"Can I sleep now?" I say. Kai's face falls a little. I hate that I sound so cold.

He wraps his arms around me tightly. He's warm. I can't help but enjoy the feeling.

When I look to the boy next to me, he looks unsure; sad, even. But I don't get to say anything. I can't.

Kai pulls away, though we're still close. "Promise me you'll try again tomorrow?" he says. "Just one day. Sky will be with you the entire time."

I can't bring myself to tell him no. I don't know who I'm doing it for, though; our parents, Kai, or both? Because I sure am not doing it for myself.

He seems satisfied with my answer. "Anything you need, my room is across the hall."

He leaves, but his words leave a bad taste in my mouth. His room? It was mum and dad's, never his. He took it because Lloyd's uncle suggested we have our own space. What does he know about losing someone, anyway?

"So... Nya, was it?"


I turn to the boy. His tone is finally quieter than before. In fact, he's somewhat shy.

I finally take a good look at him. He's wearing a sweater, and maybe even a dress shirt since I can see the collar peek out from underneath. His jeans and sneakers look more modern by comparison. Though he's thin, he doesn't look scrawny. And even though his hair is a little messy, it's not a bird's nest.

He shrinks back a little. I realise I'm staring at him.

"Uh... yeah. Nya." I reach my hand out to him. He doesn't seem dangerous.

He smiles brightly, shaking my hand enthusiastically. I pull away and pout.

"Oh, so now you can touch things?" I say. To be fair, I'd make myself transparent too if I had to avoid a lamp thrown at me.

"Technically I'm not touching you. It's like how I can make things float. Since I don't technically exist in this realm, I'm both touching you and not touching you at the same time. So I guess it's like our atoms never truly touch, which is basically true for your world as well, but you know... I think I could go through you if I wanted, I think I can control it but I haven't tested it a lot yet."

All I can do is blink. On the one hand, he has a point; even though he is 'shaking' my hand, I don't feel his touch.

On the other hand, that was quite possibly the nerdiest blabber I have ever heard.

"Pleased to meet you..."

"Jason," he interrupts me. "But I like just Jay."

"Okay then, just Jay... What realm are you from?"

"The Departed Realm!" he exclaims as if it's something to be proud of.

"You sound awfully excited to be dead..." I say. He's crazy; but then again, I'm the one making small talk with a ghost.

"Well, yeah, I didn't think I was ever getting out of there. It's super boring when you don't know anyone."

"No one?"

"I mean, it's not like I didn't know anyone... Just... going solo to find someone," he says. "That sounded weird."

I can't help but smile. "This isn't the weirdest thing I've seen today..."

SOULBOUND | Ninjago Jaya AU [Complete]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن