Chapter 3

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Ron's pov

After that, Harry and I just stared at each other. Not talking just awkward glances.

At dinner Hermione sat next to me at the end of the table. "Ron, are you okay?" Hermione Questions me.

"Yeah?" I say with my mouth full of food. Why was she asking me this?

"You just seem off, are you sure?" She urges. I give her a weird look.

"Yes 'Mione I'm fine." I mean I am I just wish I could've made a move with Harry, but that's not really that bothering. What's bothering me is the awkwardness between him and I.

"Okay. I was just checking!" She gets up with her food and sits back next to Harry. I watch her whisper something to Harry and he glances at me. I quickly look away.

Was she only asking about me to tell Harry? I'm not mad it's just why can't Harry ask me himself? Instead of sending people over to talk to me. I know it's late and raining but I need time to myself.

I get up off the table and leave the dining hall. Everyone was looking at me when I left because the large doors opening frightened them. I mean they were quite loud.

As I'm walking down the long hall, professor Snape stops me.

"And just where do you think you're going, Weasley?" He interrogates me.

"Fresh air sir" I say not even hesitating. He glares at me. Man why does this man have to be so skeptical?

"At this time at nigh? During a thunderstorm?" He questions me like I was up to something— which I wasn't—

"Yes professor, my counselor sai—" he cuts me off. "Go on with it boy, be back before dinner is over."

Am I hearing things right? He's actually not gonna tattletale on me? Okay then..?

I open the entrance doors and look up at the sky. I like the rain. I step into the rain, instantly I get soaked.

I spin around. Then stop. The sudden urge to stay outside the rest of the night hits me. No no that's how I could get killed Ronald! No no, not doing that.

I snap out of my head when I hear the door behind me open. I turn around expecting a teacher to escort me back inside, but no.

"Ron? What are you doing out here? Are you okay?" Harry assumes I was crying because of the water droplets dripping off my face. He hustles over to me.

"Yes, I'm actually quite happy right now." I don't know why I was mad at him but I was. I turn away from him. He was probably as soaked as I am by now.

"Are you uhm-" he clears his voice "did I do something to bother you?" I quickly turn back to look at him.

"What? What makes you say that?" I look at him who was at least I hope admiring me. He sighed. Why'd he sigh?

"Ron, we just confessed our feelings the other night and you keep a distance afterwards." He said it like it was my fault!

"It's not my fault! You were also being weird and awkward." I shout trying not to start an argument.

"I was only being awkward because you acted like you didn't want to talk to me!" He shouts back.

"I did not! You made 'Mione ask me if I was okay instead of asking me yourself!" I'm cold and soaked, I didn't mean to start all of this..

"So now you assume I made her ask you! Wow Ron! Just wow. She did it herself and told me I should check on you! And you accuse me of making her ask you!" He sounded furious.

I'm really good at starting problems aren't I? I feel tears in my face, well it might just be rain, but rain isn't warm.

"I'm sorry.." is all I have to say. I can't help that I overthink all the time.

"I'm sure you are." He replied. We just stared at each other. Thunder was roaring in my ears. I was shivering now. I heard a sigh come from Harry.

I look back up at him. He steps closer to me hesitantly.

Then grabbing my neck he pulls me in and kisses me. I put my hands on his shoulder, instantly kissing him back.

He slipped his hand down to my waist gripping my shirt tightly.

I pull away gasping for air. He does the same.

"I'm sorry.." I whisper one last time.

He embraces me. Hugging me tightly. I close my eyes. Until I hear a "Woah-" which wasn't Harry's voice.. I open my eyes to see Hermione standing there in complete shock.

"Bloody hell! How long have you been there??" I demand pulling away from Harry's hug.

"Oh yeah! Since you guys started arguing." She smiled at me like she didn't just see us kiss.

I glance at Harry who was looking at as shocked as I was.

836 words

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