Chapter 1

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Btw this story will mostly be in Ron's pov.

Common room- Fred, George, and Ron Weasley

"Ron! If you just stand low the whole time
You might not even have a chance with potter!"
Fred exclaims in a serious irritated tone.

"Oh bloody hell, would you hush before
someone hears you!" Ronald shouts back putting his hands on the back of his head, pacing back and forth.

"And plus, there's no way he will like me after.."
Ron paused. He didn't like the thought of all the
harsh things he said.

Ron sighed and sat on the couch. He smacked himself on the forehead angrily.

"Look Ron, we're trying to help you here.
And knowing Harry he will forgive you! You just
just got to trust us. We're your brothers"
George spoke in a sincere voice.

Ronald took a deep breath. "I'm going to bed."
He stood back up and started up the
stairs to the dormitory.

He was so tired of this. He wanted his
best friend back. He curled up in bed and
cried. Well, how else would he let it all out.

He stopped his sobbing when he heard a
His brothers speak. He sat up and closed the curtains
On his bed.

"What are you up to Harry?" He heard Fred ask to
well, harry. Ron curiously listened, he wanted
To hear Harry's voice again.

"Oh, uhm was planning on sleeping?" He said concerned. And when Ron heard he quickly plugged his nose to stop the sniffling.

He heard steps grow closer. He didn't want
Harry to see him, especially being a crybaby.

He heard Harry sigh and the springs on his bed
Bounce. He must've sat down.

Ron was sitting crisscrossed on the bed. There was still a lot of tears trembling down his cheeks. He slowly
moved under the the blanket, still plugging his

Ron just had to sniffle, it was getting hard not to. So he tried to let out a small sniffle but it wasn't as
small as he thought it was.

"Hello? Is uh, someone here?" Harry stood up off his bed. Ron covers his mouth from letting out a loud

"Helloo?" He steps slowly to the bed Ron was in.
Ron didn't want to risk getting caught curled in a ball
covering his mouth and crying.

Harry got really close to the bed. Ron could hear him breathing. Harry was about to open the curtain before.

"Harry! You left one of your books down here!"
George yells from the common room. Distracting him.

Ron fell asleep before Harry came back.

★ ★ ★
Harry pov

Last night.. I heard sniffling, crying. I took a peak after grabbing my books and it was Ron. But when I asked if anyone was there he didn't respond.

Why was he crying? That question was on my mind all day. I couldn't stop staring at him all day. He was very tired and looked hurt. But how could he be hurt? He's the one that said those horrible things to me. And somehow HE'S hurt?

I hate being angry at him, I hate that I miss him. I want to say something to him but just can't.

I sat at the end of the table during dinner. That's when George and Fred sat next to me.

"Hey mate, what are you doing sitting over here and not with the rest of us?" George asks me. They were looking into my eyes. They looked very guilty for some reason. 

Before I say anything I see Ron leaving earlier then he normally does. Dinner had just started why was he leaving?

"Man you've really got an eye on him today." Fred mentions. Which made me shocked.

"What-? What do you mean?" I ask stupidly already knowing that they know I know.

"As Ron's brothers it's really obvious to see who's got an eye on him. Don't play dumb Potter. You have been staring at him all day." George announces proudly.

"Okay pal, im going to tell you something but don't utter a word to Ron that I said this okay" George says. I nod but Fred gives him a weird look.

"Ron has a secret and hasn't been himself lately so im gonna need you to go talk to him for me." George finishes. Fred nudges his twins shoulder.

"Me?" I ask, why would they want me to talk to him.

"We tried last night to talk to him but he just- well let's say that didn't end well." Fred states.

"But surely he must not want me to talk to him." I respond.

"That's basically th-" Fred elbows George's arm to stop him from saying anything.

"OW.." George give Fred a nasty look.

"Okay, listen Harry, nobody is going to be in there so you are going to have a chance to say something." Fred gives arm movements that tell me he's getting frustrated.

"Alright but I don't know what you want me to say." I answer. Fred closes his eyes and takes a sharp breath.

"I don't know. Ask him if everything's alright and whatever. But you have to do it soon before everyone clouds inside after dinner."

"but dinner just started." I mutter.

Fred and George both yell at the same time "JUST GO!"

881 words

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