≪ °❈° ≫ → 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐈 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮

Start from the beginning

Upon seeing Heo Ari's presence Wook stood up, a smile on his face as he opened his arms waiting for the girl to greet him with a hug. He had to admit he had missed the girl's bubbly personality and company. Of all the previous master's he had in the past Monk Hoyeon had been the toughest.

Not because his lessons were difficult or burdensome—but because they were boring. All Wook did was sit around and spend hours meditating on top of mountains and reading books that in his opinion were unnecessarily long and not useful in the slightest. And to top it all off Gisan didn't have the same variety of food that they had to offer in Songrim.

To Jang Wook's disappointment the girl ignored his gesture, making a b-line to the table before sitting down and grabbing one of the crab legs as she started breaking the shell with her hands.

Dumbfounded, and quite offended by the girl's actions, Wook crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes wide open with his eyebrows slightly raised in a frown. "Aren't you going to greet me?"

Heo Ari gave him a mocking smile. "Hey."

The Jang boy scoffed as he went back to sit on the floor beside Ari while Dang gu sat across from them. The latter one watching the interaction with amusement as his eyes darted back and forth between the two best friends.

"Hey? Really?"

Ari shrugged as she started to eat the meat from the crab leg. "You asked me to greet you, that's what I did."

Rolling his eyes at the girl's attitude, he said. "And here I thought you'd be happy to see me."

"I am, but between you—and this crab leg I'm happier to see the crab leg."

Before Jang Wook could utter a comeback Dang gu spoke. "Thanks to you, my uncle has to go all the way to Gisan to beg for the monk's forgiveness. Meanwhile you are here enjoying this damn crab."

Wook shook his head, "No, I have not eaten it. It is such a hassle to eat."

Pausing her movements Ari looked away from her hands and over to her best friend. "Oh, please, just admit you're lazy."

He ignored her comment. "I am glad you came. Break the shell with your spell and save both Ari and me the time of breaking this apart." Gesturing with his head at the tray he looked at the Park boy expectedly, waiting for him to do as ordered.

"I do know how to crack the shell and pick out just the meat." Dang gu analyzed the seafood before looking back at Wook. "But maybe I should use the spell on you, not the crab."

"Dang gu, if that monk had been kind enough to at least teach me that, I would not have left that way." Wook whined, expressing his frustration and distaste towards the monk—or not only the monk but overall to his situation. A situation he has been dealing with for years.

"What good is it if you cannot do it?" Dang gu asked. "Your dad blocked you from casting spells."

"A dick move if you ask me." Heo Ari whispered to herself, as she picked out the meat from a crab leg, not caring about her improper language which she always got scolded for by her grandfather. The poor man had witnessed the girl's foul language many times and even then he always had the same reaction as he did the first time.

Ari could already hear her grandfather's voice saying that this way of expressing wasn't meant to be used by a prestigious young lady as herself. Still, that never stopped her from saying what she thought even if it resulted in receiving shocked looks or scolding lectures from the people around her.


Because as Heo Ari always said, you only get to live once.

Holding back would only end in remorse and disappointment. It was better to regret something you did or said over something that never happened.

  𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐗 ~ Jang WookWhere stories live. Discover now