Chapter 8: Backlash

Start from the beginning

Mace just looked at her with an unreadable expression, and Shaak Ti held a look that Yoda couldn't quite decipher.

"The way this council is acting right now, the way it acted at Anakin's 'trial', and how it acted before then is exactly how it acted when Anakin Skywalker was first brought here. You're so busy arguing and bickering amongst yourselves like the children you are, that you fail to notice things only getting worse. Let's not forget the Jedi code, which in itself is just ridiculous. 'there is no emotion, there is peace' and so on, but let me ask you this, can peace really exist without emotion? Can knowledge exist without ignorance? Can serenity exist without passion? One cannot exist without the other, otherwise it is all off balance, meaning you've been teaching the Jedi wrong, master Yoda."

Yoda's eyes widened slightly, had he...had he really been wrong? The code was wrong? He hadn't known, that was the Jedi code since the order's last grandmaster, who was a very emotionless being.

Most other council members turned to Yoda with questioning looks.

"Is it true? We've been learning from a code that is wrong?"

Obi-Wan shook his head as he replied to Shaak Ti.

"I'm not surprised anymore."

Depa continued.

"So you now see, all of this is a factor in what happens here in these chambers. The council is wrong, as is the code, and therefore, I cannot continue following a blind council."

She promptly rose from her seat, and left the chambers.

Yoda was still stunned, he honestly hadn't known the code was wrong, the last grandmaster was the one that changed it, but that was over one hundred or two hundred years ago.

Mace sighed.

"I have to agree this council is blind, and childish."

Yoda merely looked down in deep thought, though also shame, he really had been a fool.

And Depa's outburst only proved it.
Barriss was trying to calm Ahsoka to the best of her ability. The latter was understandably furious with the council for her master's expulsion, and now his likely death at the Republic's hands.

"And master Mundi so sure of himself, his ugly cone headed...ugh...sorry."

Barriss chuckled to herself.

"It's quite alright."

Jedi Knight Melik Galerha approached wearing an amused expression, which had her curious.

"Why are you grinning?"

Melik nodded.

"Apparently the recent situation has the council at each other's throats. Master Billaba apparently announced she was resigning from the council effective immediately, but not before then calling out the grandmaster and the Jedi code itself."

Barriss looked at him with some surprise.

"She really did that?"

"Well it apparently has master Yoda looking rather regretful."

Barriss shrugged.

"Maybe now they'll stop being so blind and foolish."

Ahsoka sighed.

"Given what just happened, I wouldn't get my hopes up."

Barriss understood that point.

"Fair point. Though Depa is usually one that is quiet and calm, so if she lost her temper in there, trust me, it'll get things rolling."

Ahsoka couldn't help but laugh.

"I would love to see that."
Rex stood in front of everyone in the barracks.

He dreaded delivering the news.

"Alright, as we all know, general Skywalker was arrested for the murder of Letta Turmond and of being the mastermind behind the Jedi temple bombing."

Jesse scoffed.

"Tarkin's bull."

"There has been a new development though. Evidence was discovered by commanders Vebb and Offee in a warehouse on level 13-12, the same explosives used in the bombing we're found there. According to the Jedi council, the majority anyway, they were the possession of general Skywalker."

Fives' face conveyed shock and rage.

"That's all a lie!"

Rex sighed.

"There's worse news boys, general Skywalker was...expelled, from the Jedi order, and now in Republic custody. He relinquished all titles of the Galactic Republic, and is now awaiting his public trial."

Then the uproar.

Jesse and Fives were practically shouting their lungs out.

Kix had immediately gone pale and looked faint at the news.

Redeye just started crying, with Mixer doing his best to comfort him.

Tup was placing the blame all on Fox.

And Appo just stood there stiff and still as a statue, clearly not sure what to say or do now.

Rex felt the same way, what would they do now? Skywalker was their general, their brother, how would they function now?

Sure they still had Ahsoka, who was basically their little sister, but she wouldn't be able to handle this on her own.

For the first time in a pretty good while, Rex had absolutely no idea what to do.
"My lord."

"Do you bring news, Mas Amedda?"

Palpatine looked to his second in command with curiosity.

Mas Amedda gulped.

"Bad news sir. It seems the Jedi council has expelled Skywalker, per Tarkin's demands."

Palpatine froze, his expression unreadable.

Ok, so the council against Anakin? Good, however, he required Anakin still being in the order or this would not work.

Mas Amedda knew his lord was very enraged, thus why he left him in his private office to these thoughts.

Sidious was not happy at all.

He had plans, plans to destroy the Jedi once and for all.

So why did Tarkin have to screw it up?

The dark lord wasn't feeling merciful, and he didn't like those who meddled in his plans.

Tarkin was a big meddler, but now he'd ensured his own...unfortunate accident.

Sidious frowned as he sat in deep thought. Plagueis would likely be turning over in his grave from laughter at this.

It made him want to go into the afterlife just to electrocute that fool to death again.

His carefully culminated plans were coming undone in the worst possible way.

And it was all because of Wilhuff Tarkin.


*Basically this chapter:

the Jedi council being...the Jedi council, and Depa having enough of their bullshit.

The 501st wanting to go on a murder spree cause their bro has been backstabbed.

And Palpatine now plotting the death of Tarkin for ruining...literally everything.

*Depa Billaba being my favorite this chapter, speaking what's on OUR minds, and just being a queen, love her. Go Depa!!😌💅💅

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