Chapter 1: YouTube, obviously

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Hey, im Stevie. And currently im in Spain without the S.

Thats what im feeling right now. Straight up Spain.

I am looking for my dad in outerbanks currently, but you know the cops may be after me for a few reasons. Just a few.

Like umm, idk, arson.

Or maybe it was the "accidental" rock through their window...

I dont know, to me those are like 'meh' things to be chased by five cop cars down a dirt road, but i dont think they agree.

Anyway sooo, my parents were never really in my life and ive been couch surfing for a very long time after my grandparents kicked me out. But I came to find my dad who apparently lives in Outer Banks.

Well im in outer banks.

All i can find are flashing red and blue lights though.

Oh yeah. Im still being chased. So at this very moment im in spain w/o the s. Because i have been running for a hot minute. Ok ok ill stop and actually tell you everything.

I turn down a small trail in the woods and run into a clearing with a very worn down shack looking thing. Hopefully nobody lives here otherwise they are about to be very confused.

I sprint towards the screened in porch area and yank on the old door, yay it's unlocked! I crouch down behind like a chair that is pushed against the wall of the house and hope the cops don't look on this rickety old porch.

After sitting behind this crusty chair for proximately 15 minutes i can feel my legs start to burn after all that running. My arms have a few scratches from hitting branches, but besides my mental state i am ok!

I hear a car pull into the driveway and start to panic. "Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit!" I keep whispering to myself and get in a crouched position behind the chair. The door to the shack creaks open and i hear mumble voices as people walk closer toward the back door.

'who the fuck lives in this shithole!' I internally scream as i try to make no sound and crawl towards the door of the deck. As i have my hand on the door handle the house door opens and two boys walk out but freeze as soon as they see me.

The one who opened the door has mid-length brown hair with some messy high lights, tanned skin, and is wearing a dark grey t-shirt and weird faded pink shorts. The boy behind him is really attractive, just saying. He has blond hair sticking through a backwards red baseball cap, a grey t-shirt on also, and really pretty blue eyes. 'omg no shut up you dont even know these kids'

"Heyyyyyyyyy." I say with a small wave and accidentally let out a small laugh looking at their shocked faces. I cover my mouth with my hand and start laughing as i sprint out the door into the woods as fast as i can. 'my day cant get much worse'

I hear one of them say "oh shit!" and start running after me. Welp hopefully they can't climb trees for shit because i jump up to a branch close to the ground, sing my legs over, and help myself up onto the branch.

"Wow! okay I just wanted to talk!" the boy with a mop of brown hair says while looking up at me, the blond one just showing up in a slow jog.

"Well i don't." I say out of breath and begin to climb higher.

"How did you do that?" the blond one asks slightly confused.

"Im a ninja." i reply sarcastically.

I came up with nicknames for them, blondie and brownie. Really creative right?

Brownie chuckles at my sarcasm, "can i ask you something?"

"Sure i guess. I mean i am just chilling in a tree sooo."

"Why were you in my house?"

'Okay. Play dumb, you got this!' "Wait, that was your house? I didnt know anybody lived there..." that was not smooth.

Blondie scoffs, "Do you think we're stupid."

"No... i was hoping you were." i saw while shrugging my shoulders. I gotta get out of this stupid tree. "So how are you guys?" I ask while walking along a large branch hoping i can get close enough to jump to the next one.

"You never answered my ques-"

"whats your name?" blondie interrupts brownie.

"I dont know, what's yours blondie?" i say while contemplating if i can jump the three feet to the other trees branch.

"Hold up. Blondie?"

"Yeah thats what i said aint it?"

"How did you do learn that flip thing?"

"YouTube, obviously." Okay i can definitely jump that. I start backing up so i will have enough speed.

"what are you doing?" brownie asks. He is so oblivious i swear teenage boys need to go buy brain cells. 'You got this come on.' I start running forward as i hear blondie telling me to wait but i dont stop, i need momentum.

I jump onto the other trees branch, jump down onto a lower one, grab onto one above me and swing myself onto the ground. As soon as i get my footing i take off in a sprint and run to the road.

A few 'holy shits' and 'what the fucks' maybe even a 'she is a ninja' can be heard from blondie and brownie. As i run past their shack, they call a house, i see an old VW bus parked in the driveway. That must be their car. I think it needs a new paint job.

I run across a bridge and head toward the other side of the island. The houses get bigger as they go. Hopefully i can successfully hide from the cops and the dynamic duo. This is going to be interesting.

Hopefully i can find my dad.

Just like nemo.

. . .

ello mateys
im sorry but this is really fun for me to write because i love sarcasm
sorry not sorry :)

xx me :)

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