Chapter four- A suprising flight and more suprising welcome in miami

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After the kiss we start talking about the season. We will arrive in Miami a bit earlier so we have some time off before the Grand Prix.
I am looking forward to this and hope to spend some private time with Lando. With the ongoing evening I start to freeze because it's too cold for just a T-shirt in the evening hours.
However Lando recognise this and give me his hoodie.
"Take it with you and whenever you miss me just take it on and I am with you" the British say. It's such a cute gesture from him and I didn't thought that he can be this romantic.
At some point we decide do head back to our hotel. On the way back he puts an arm around me. We can laugh a lot together but also talk about more serious things.
He brings me to my hotel room, we kiss again and thank eachother for such a special evening.
As I got into my bed there is this  wish again. The wish that Lando lays next to me and we can fall asleep arm in arm, but it's too early. And there are too many things that are unclear.
What about my job? What about our feelings? What about all the things around us?"
The night goes by and  at the next morning I said goodbye to Lando and are already at the airport to meet Daniel.
Daniel:"Good Morning Lea, are you already missing Lando?"
I look at him and ask why he thinks this because I just said goodbye to him half and hour ago. I mean I miss him because we won't see eachother again for two weeks but it can't be that obviously.
Daniel explain to me that he talked to Lando some minutes ago when he walked to his gate and that he had a hairband on his wrist, so Daniel thought that the band is from me, what is also right.
Because of the air conditioning it's cold in the airport and I take over a hoodie, Landos hoodie. Daniel recognise the hoodie and just answer "cute" and smile.
"Ready for eight days blood and sweat at the factory?"
I laugh "always with you buddy"
Then our flight is called out.
The next days are overwhelming, I learn so much about McLaren, my new job and Formula one. On the evenings I go out with Daniel and the team members or FaceTime with Lando. I miss him and are so happy to meet him again in some days.
I am at the London airport and meet with Carmen because she called me  and said that there will be a suprise.
As I see her I walk over to her, exited what the suprise will be.
"Carme, hellooo"
I hug her and we catch up about the last days.
"Let us look what the suprise is because George and I also don't know, Alex made the suprise and said that we can invite you also."
Then Alex comes to us and we greet eachother because he tells us that the suprise is that we will fly to Miami in a private jet.
This is so cool and exclusive, what a suprise!
We follow Alex to a lobby and he tells us that we have to wait for the owner of the jet before we can start. Carmen and I start talking about the upcoming week and after some minutes a familiar face enters the room.
"Hello guys! And welcome Lea, I am very happy that you will join us on this trip"
This can't be true. The suprise turned into an Desaster. Why is Max here and why do I have to fly now nine hours with him in a private jet? This must be a joke.
Suprisingly Max is very polite and takes my luggage.
I give a helpless gaze to Carmen and whisper to her that we have to talk or sleep the whole flight so max have no chance to talk to  me.
She understand luckily and agree with a friendly "yes of course"
The flight starts and the first hour isn't as a bad as I thought because I talk with Carmen about my job, Lando and girl things. Then Carmen's phone rings. She excuses herself, saying  it's her boss and she has to answer the call. I smile and say that she doesn't have to worry about me. After some minutes she lays a note on the table.
*We have some problems in the company and I have to enter a online conference, i am so sorry <3*
Then George sat down on the place from Carmen and start talking to me
"I shouldn't gave her Wi-Fi here" he jokes. For the next minute George and me exchange about some things. Then Max walks to the table and ask if he could speak to me for some minutes too. George shrugs his shoulders and go to look after Carmen.
Max takes place next to me while I ask  with eyes rolling what he want.
"Are you still so mad at me that you talk no words with me?"
I answer "feels bad when you want to get along with a person but the person doesnt talk to you huh?"
Max sighs "I don't really know what you mean with this but I swear the things we had two years ago, they meant a lot to me" he tries to catch my hand. This is enough
"Fuck you Max, If this would have meant so much to you, you wouldn't have dumped me like this " my eyes tear up and I leave the talk with him.
I walk past Alex and he asks if everything is alright. I told him that he should ask Max when he want to know about it. Carmen look at me and has luckily finished her work and is there for me to talk. I sit down next to her because George is offering his place for me.
I start telling the story.
„So we met about two years ago on a Race. I had a paddock pass and was invited to the red bull garage. Max and I met and he asks me to go out for some drinks in the evening. I agreed because he seemed nice and polite. At the evening we met at a bar and it was kinda funny. We both were flirty and after some drinks we moved to his hotelroom. We maked out and had sex."
George interrupts me and ask with a grin „Is Max good in bed things?"
Carmen punch against his ribs and said that he should leave us alone
I answer with as laugher to George that he is in bed the same as he is on track, aggressiv and egoistic but kind of good"
„Until there everything was fine and for the next two evenings we did the same. Like a date on the evening and the night we spend in his hotelroom having sex. And with every evening there was a bit more of falling for eachother.
Carmen looks confused saying that this sounds  cute until now.
„Yes but then was race day and he wrote me a message that I should come to his driversroom. So I went there and we started to make out. He forgot to lock the room and his father came in and saw us making out. He was so angry and pulled me out of his driversroom. After the race I wrote Max but he never replied and I was blocked."
Carmen look at me with big eyes. „This sounds not like Max. When he was with his last girlfriend he was so caring and filled with love. Such a protective lover"
I shrug my shoulders and tell her that I don't know his reasons and even don't know why he is now so interested in talking with me about it and talk about things like feelings.
Carmen ask if she can ask me something and I agree
„If I calculate it right you were 17  and he was in his early 20's. Was it your first time with him?"
„Hmmm not the first kiss and everything but I had my first time sex with him but it was like a kind of love at the first sight and as I can see now we never forget eachother "
Carmen answer that she is sorry for this and I answer that nobody can change things that happend.
Carmen:"But what about Lando? Will this change something between you?"
„No because I can't imagine  to be related with max in any positive way, maybe friends one day when he explained everything to me but I don't know. But I should tell Lando about it because he and max are really good friends"
Carmen stands up to hug me and tells you that Lando will understand it because he really likes me.
I hope so because max is the past and Lando could be my future and I don't want that this two things make problems.
The rest of the flight I  watch movies and sleep and after another six hours of flight we arrive at the airport.

As I leave the plane and get driven to the airport hall I look forward to see Lando again. His plane landed this morning so he will be in the hotel.
As I enter the hall I see a familiar face. There is Lando standing at the hall. And he looks like he waits for someone. As I look twice I can see the flowers in his hands. Without looking after my luggage I run over to him. The feelings overwhelming me. This is sometimes, I don't know, the tough and emotionless girl that has only her career in mind is falling for a man?! Lando holds me tight in his arms and whispers that he also missed me like crazy.  It's a moment where I feel loved. Something I missed for a long time. After we get rid of eachother he said that I should thank max because he told Lando when our plane lands so he could be right here on time.
I am suprised because I never thought that max would do something like this. Was this just because Lando is a good friend of him or is he really interested in being on good terms with me? I think I will figure it out in the next time.
As I turn around I see max standing there, having a grin on his face and my luggage in his hands. When I saw him like that I felt a bit sorry for how I treated him in the plane.
Alex brings me out of my thoughts with telling us to stop because his girlfriend Lily only arrives tomorrow.  Max comes in with the idea of going out because the first f1 related things will start in a couple of days so we have time.
We drive to the hotel. Lando have a own room and I have my own room. But most of the time we sleep in one room ,mostly in his because I have a normal room and he have a big suite. But if I say I wouldn't need a room it's too obvious. 
I start to get ready for the evening. I will wear a light blue dress, it's tight and short. Maybe I want to provoke lando with it. I know that he likes me but I like it when he give me this eyes filled with lust and when he touches my body with his strong hands. Under the dress I wear a  wireless bra and a slipper with clear lace. I mean maybe we will end up in a room together spending the night.

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