Attack and Escape - Part 3

Start from the beginning

Kyvan briefly considered telling his master and mistress that their son wasn't planning to return home, and that both he and his brother intended to disobey Miss Louise's order to remain by Kyren's side. His instincts as a butler begged for him to report everything to ease his master and mistress's worry, but rationalities as the childhood friend of the young man named Kyren Greaves-Crawford spoke otherwise.

"We will be waiting, Master Brandon. Please rest assured that we will let no harm come to Miss Kaylen or Kyren."

"Until I see all 4 of you safe in front of my eyes, I won't stop worrying. Especially for you and Kylar; I've been with Keyron long enough to know that the two of you will be putting yourselves in danger to keep Kyren and Kaylen out of it. I know it's your job as butlers to do so, but please, try to be safe."

The concern of the Master of the Greaves-Crawford Household over his and his brother's welfare was touching, and made his guilt at keeping the secret even heavier.

"We will try." Kyvan promised as best as he could. "I will dispose of this phone after this call, so please come for Miss Kaylen in two hours. I must go now before my location is tracked."

"Very well." Miss Louise's steadiness was definitely a requirement for the current situation. "Stay safe, Kyvan."

"As you wish, Miss Louise." His humble greeting was a bid goodbye, and the call ended as quickly as it was picked up. Without losing a single beat, Kyvan immediately put his phone on factory reset, and once it was done, he set it carefully on the lid of the nearest bin. Glad to find a broken half of a baseball bat within the mess of trash in the alley, Kyvan squared his shoulders, took in a steadying breath, and swung his weapon as hard as he could.

The loud crash was accompanied with the splintering of an already-broken bat. The wound on his back screamed in protest at his sudden large movement, and he prayed that he had not accidentally torn the wound open. Kyvan checked the phone to make sure that it was completely no longer operational before leaving it in the bin, stepping out of the alleyway after checking his surroundings carefully.

The early morning mist was cooling, and more importantly, it provided him with some cover to move as he kept his head down. Throughout his journey back to his temporary shelter, Kyvan made sure to make detours and buy multiple essentials at different convenience stores. If there was anyone tracking his card's expenditure, they would not be able to pinpoint the neighborhood of his temporary shelter based on how erratic he was making his route.

Once satisfied that he had gotten enough supplies to last a few days more –along with some change of clothes –Kyvan returned to the abandoned building before the beginnings of the morning crowd began.

Kyvan wasn't sure what to think when he returned to their safe room to find it empty save for his young mistress. His confusion did not last long, however, when a quiet call of his name made him turn his attention to the apartment across the hall, to see his brother's head peeking out.

"We moved here just in case Kaylen woke up early to find us still around." Kylar explained as he opened the door to allow Kyvan in with his groceries.

"Did the two of you drag him?" Kyvan answered by pointing at the still-unconscious man who was sleeping on the empty bedframe.

"He was still somewhat out of it, but he moved there on his own two feet." His young master answered.

"Why are you not asleep yet? It was a long night for you." Kyvan questioned, setting down his groceries and silently handing a pack of bandages to his brother. Kylar had insisted that both he and their young master's wounds were much more severe than his –despite the fact that Kylar's head had been bleeding for quite some time. It was the natural instincts of the elder brother talking, and Kyvan had not bothered to argue because he knew his brother would win in the end. The only thing he could do as the younger one was to make sure that his elder brother took care of himself after everyone was done being taken care of.

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