Attack and Escape - Part 3

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[Attack and Escape – Part 3]

The call picked up on the third ring.

"Kyvan? Please tell me that everyone is okay." The sound of a worried mother's voice came through the phone, and despite all the dangers that he had braved through, there was still a warmth that came from hearing the desperate concern of his mother. Both he and his brother might have been praised over and over again for being stellar butlers, for having shown potential of being great individuals responsible for assisting the future heir of the Greaves-Crawford Household, but to Kiera Reyes, both Kyvan and Kylar were simply still her babies.

"Mum, we're fine. We can't talk for long because we don't know if anyone is tracing our call right now as we speak. Is Dad there?"

"Everybody's here, sweetie. You're on speaker." Kiera understood the seriousness of the situation as she answered quickly. Though Kyvan himself was standing in a dark alley, speaking as quietly as he could to avoid being heard, he could easily imagine his parents, his master and mistress all sitting in Miss Louise's office, crowded over the phone on the table. There was no doubt that his father was furiously on his laptop as well, trying desperately to track where his call was coming from.

"Miss Louise and Master Brandon, Kyren and Miss Kaylen are fine. Miss Kaylen escaped without harm, and while Kyren received some minor cuts, they have been dressed and he is still doing well. Is Master Brandon and Dad doing well?"

"Your father was messed up a little, but he's still doing well. Brandon has been going mad with worry, so your call will hopefully put him in a proper shape befitting of a Master of this Household." The steady, stable reply of Louise Greaves-Crawford was something Kyvan could not help but have to hold back his smile on. Kyvan had never seen his mistress being fazed by anything before –she had never been taken by complete speechless surprise or shock, never been so taken aback that she could not compose herself to continuing being in control of the entire situation. "Tell us of your situation."

"We managed to escape, but we are not sure if there is any immediate danger. In two hours, we will wake Miss Kaylen up, and bring her somewhere safe."

'Somewhere safe' was a location agreed long ago between the butlers of the Greaves-Crawford Household specifically for situations like this in which their conversation could possibly be tapped by any third party.

"Your father has noted and will act accordingly." Miss Louise's reply was short. "What about... Kyren?"

The hesitation was the only sign of struggle that came from the Mistress of the Greaves-Crawford Household. Kyvan didn't even want to start imagining the emotions that his mistress must be going through. She had sent her son to exile, but had panicked and sent both him and Kylar out to make sure that he was safe, and in the process of doing so, all three of them –and Miss Kaylen included –had gotten into a real dangerous situation.

"He is doing very well, Miss Louise."

"And the man named Kay?"

This time, Kyvan did hesitate. It was clear that –like them –Miss Louise had assumed all these years that the man named Kyrano Reyes was dead. Kyvan had no idea if Miss Louise had found out about Kay's real identity, or is she was simply curious about the man who had apparently 'taken in' Kyren during his exile.

"We lost contact of him, Miss Louise, when we escaped." Kyvan hoped that his lie was convincing. He didn't know how much his master and father might have told Miss Louise about Kyrano, but if his instincts were right, the Head Butler must have had given a very good excuse to forgive the disappearance of this man named Kay.

"Is that so..." Kyvan wasn't sure if suspicion was what he heard in his mistress's voice.

"Kyvan, you boys just sit tight. We'll be down to fetch you in 2 hours." Brandon's voice that interrupted anything more that his wife could have said could be a coincidence.

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