Red String of Fate {The Ssum: Forbidden Lab}

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Hey, if someone said to you that they can see the red string of fate, will you believe them?

Will you take their hand and assure them that, even though you're not the fated one, you'll be together forever?



As someone who can see the red string of fate, I can't see any string on my pinky finger. They say, it's a price that should be paid because I can see "the future" of people fated one.

It's becoming a habit of mine, looking at my crush pinky finger. If he already met his fated one, or I still have a chance. My best friend (crush), Teo. He has a short red string on his finger. That meant he still didn't meet his fated one.

I like being with Teo. His company make me warm, he is gentle and caring. Like a puppy that has a lot of love to give. I didn't consider myself a special someone to him, looking that he treats everyone with the same kindness and gentleness that I can't help but fell in love with.

"Teo, are you working with your film?" I asked when I visit him to the place he is currently going to record his film.

"Yeah, you come? I'm going to ride this bike. Isn't it cool? Being in the film you made yourself lol." He laughed cutely, making a joke.

Just like usual, I'm looking at his finger, and sigh in relieved that he still hasn't met his fated one. I'm finally smiling to him, give him my cheers and prayed for his successful for the film. I didn't stay there, as I still have class to attend.


I'm running to the hospital where Teo currently in. I was shocked when I hear Jay called me and said that Teo get into accident. I'm running until out of breath, when finally I reached Teo's room.

His leg didn't look good. I'm about to cry when suddenly Teo smiles at me and waving at me like a child. My mind finally focused as my hands trembling looking at him.

"It's fine, it just looks bad but I'm actually fine." He's reassuring me gently.

"H-how could such a thing?" I finally asked after opening and closing my mouth multiple times. Tears already running down to my cheeks as I looked into his purple eyes.

"The road is slippery, and then I fall. It's a good thing that it was just me that hurt, and the other is fine." He said while erasing my tears.

"It's not a good thing if you're hurt like this!" My emotion get the better of me, as my voice croak.

"Yes, but it's still better than everyone got hurt. Don't worry too much, I'll be fine in no time." He's still reassuring me and trying to make me feel better.

It's already late when I finally calm down. The nurse said that it past visiting time and I said goodbye to him before coming home.

"I'll visit again after the exam finished." I said while waving goodbye to him, who's respond me with a bright smile.


Two weeks passed, and I finally visiting Teo again. The first thing I noticed was, his red string of fate, already gotten longer than before. It's a sign that his fated one was finally coming to his life, slowly but surely.

"Are they from this hospital?" I mumble under my breath.

Teo noticed my presence and smiling at me. He hurried me to come closer to him, and he looks so excited that I got a bad feeling about it.

"I'm going out with someone!" He said happily, grinning ear to ear.

I feel my vision become dark, as my breath become heavy. What? Teo's going out with someone? Who? He can't leave the hospital so is it really someone from inside this hospital? But his red string still not attached to anyone, so he's still not met his fated one. Who is it?

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