I'm giggling when I look up a little to figure out if I'm going to collide into anyone on the rest of the way down the stairs. My breath hitches and I can't help the way my knees give way and I'm losing balance seeing those green fucking eyes standing there, grinning up at me cutely, hair in a bun, hands in his back pockets of his jeans.

I'm falling down the last few steps of the stairs, yelp falling from my lips and I'm slapping onto the floor, arm getting caught under my body when I reach it out to break my fall. Pain shoots up my arm, burning my shoulder and I'm wincing, swearing under my breath.

Harry steps over toward me, brows creasing in concern, smile replaced with a frown. "Oh my God, are you okay?"

I dumbly nod, sitting up, wincing when my wrist throbs and shoots more hot pain through my arm. "I'm fine. Guess I was falling for you."

Why the fuck am I flirting with Harry?

Because he's fit and obviously your future boyfriend, a part of my brain convinces.

Harry is blushing but the concern on his face stays. "Do you need a doctor or anything?"

I shake my head. "Course not, I've fallen down those stairs more than you think. What brings you here, Harry?"

Harry purses his lips, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear that's fallen from his bun. "Um... well... I er– I came for some cat treats."

I nod, standing up, letting my wrist fall limp by my side. The throb kills but those green forest eyes make me continue with my work. I lead the way toward the cat treats.

"Oh my God, I just realised you probably heard me singing Carolina," I groan, realisation hitting. "I don't know if that's more embarrassing than falling down the fucking stairs. I'm sorry for butchering the notes."

He waves me off. "You have a good voice," he replies, searching through the cat treats. "Would let you sing with Sarah in the back chords if we had the position."

My heart flutters at that. There's no tease in his tone, all so serious and soft. Seeing him bent slightly to read the tickets of the treats, makes me have the urge to wrap my arms around his middle and hug him from behind but I refrain.

I see him struggling with the treats, what with the amount of bloody packets he's got in his arms, you'd think he's stocking up for life.

"I should've brought a basket," he says, turning a little red cheeked.

Two of the packets slap onto the floor and I giggle, bending down and plucking them up.

"Here, lemme take half of them," I say, reaching and picking up some from his arms. My finger grazes over his smooth skin of his arms and I have to remind myself to breathe before my heart brings us into cardiac arrest.

We stroll down the aisles and I have to shift majority of the packets to one side so the pain in my wrist can ease. We walk to the tills where Jade's eyes are wide. She looks to Harry, smiles.

Harry points at her casually. "You were also at the show," he points out. "How did you guys find it?"

Jade sighs wistfully much as I'm doing.

"It was incredible. I'm already missing it. Lou here had to cry in the toilets yesterday because he's so distraught of the concert being over," Jade says, winking at me when I throw daggers her way.

"Jade!" I squeak. "Personal information!"

Harry breathes a short laugh. "I'm sorry I made it that good. Are you going to any other shows?"

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