And I'll Never Leave You

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"do you ever think to yourself, why am i here? when did i get here?
honestly i ask myself that question every day. If you're new here, hi! my names Simone and i'm a beautiful  black blogger that basically tries to keep it real about life. Anyways guys today, im going to be doing a little apartment tour! You guys were so supportive of me making the decision to move to Germany and becoming a student so i thought the least i could do was show you how cute my apartment is!" i smiled at the camera.

i was currently wearing a lazy fit because i had spent most of the day cleaning and organizing everything. i had just moved to Germany to start school. I really just wanted to branch out and have other options because i knew being an influencer wouldn't last forever and i felt like even though it was extremely hard, it wasn't a job to me. I always felt how unjust it was seeing how surgeons didn't make more than like professional basketball players, or how teachers barely made enough to survive. i wanted to start a charity to raise money for families of low income. "my apartment is kinda small since yk im single. jesus im so lonely and desperate my lord. anyways.."

i set the camera down and backed up so it showed my outfit. "how do we feel about the fit? sorry guys, i look kinda bad. been cleaning all day yk. okay let's get this tour started." i walked over to my front door and took the angle of when you first walk in. "this is what it looks like when i walk in, you have your hallway here, and my little rugs and shoe rack. i don't know about you guys but im literally in love with these marble floors. anyways, it's probably a bad idea to put a show rack there cause people could literally walk in and just steal all of my jordan's but girl was raised to take em off so here we are ig."

i walked down the hallways a bit and showed the kitchen. "this is my kitchen, kinda spacious because i love cooking. btw i will be posting a baking video later this week, i just have to edit it." i walked through the kitchen and showed the living area with floor to ceiling windows showing the city. "this is my living space, and guys i'm not even kidding this couch is literally so soft. i'm gonna be honest with you guys most of the stuff in here is comfort over aesthetic. and i don't give a damn." i showed the camera around the room and bit and showed the details of my plants and table-sides and got a good angle of the view, it was sunset so it looked perfect shinning through the windows and displaying a orangish glow on the white walls. there were posters of my favorite movies and art work. i wanted my apartment to be a look inside of my mind.

"and this way guys.." i walked into the hallway again before heading into the guest bedroom. "is the first guest bedroom, i have another one but it has a bunch of boxes from the move so i will not be showing that today! but anyways, i feel like you always need a guess bedroom just incase one of ur friends just wants to stay for a few days or if you have family coming over yk. i always used to feel terrible about letting my friends sleep on the air mattress or couch at sleepovers so i used to just let them in my bed but now they can just stay in here." it was a very neutral space with a vanity/desk and a bed with grey sheets and off to the side was the bathroom. "this is the guest bathroom. under the sink, i have some essentials like deodorant and shampoo in case someone needs it cause i just like being prepared. okay guys this is my favorite part! i saved the best room for last!"

i walked into the hallway, shutting the guest room door behind me. i walked down the hallway to the very end where my bedroom is. "this is my bedroom."
my bedroom was simple but it had a lot of space. "when i first day the bedroom i immediately knew this was it. i love having a lot of room, as you all know i'm claustrophobic so this is just amazing." my bed was made all neat with my white fluffy duvet and white sheets with my silk pillowcases. my smooth white desk sat in the corner with my laptop and all of my stationary. "this is my closet. look at how spacious this baby is, imma need to fill it up. so that gives me an excuse to go SHOPPPINGG. god i love shopping so much. i can see me at Dior rn." i laughed as i stepped back into my room again, "i brought Mala  y'all, they shipped her all the way over here and i've never been happier."
Mala was my house plant that i was gifted at the start of my youtube career and i've been taking care of her ever since.

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