The pool hall fell silent again, it's not every day that Ben loses his cool like that.

Mei grabbed his hand and moved it away from her forehead, "Hey I'm fine, we're fine. I don't think they even chased us."

Eugene interrupted the moment, "If Donald Na made an appearance himself, all the way down here..."

Ben turned to face the group, dropping Mei's hand. "Then it's gotta be because of the incident with Jimmy Bae..."

Alex shook his head, "No. If that were the case, he wouldn't have let us get away, he would've come straight for us. Donald Na isn't the type of motherfucker to drag things out or give anyone time to act. And he definitely wouldn't have waited for Mei to speak"

"That's not entirely true," Mei jumped in, "He might not know who we actually are, I mean think about it, he might know Big Ben but I doubt he'd know what any of us look like." She said gesturing to the three that went.

Alex and Ben shared a look, "He'd know what I look like." Alex mumbled.

"Whatever the case, that douchebag would never make a move on a Union scale, just to crush Eunjang..." Ben said drowning out Alex's mumbles.

Ben looked at Eugene" Eugene- what do you make of this? Why did that prick show up in this neighborhood?"

He looked scared, "How should I know... But, I think I did hear somewhere that Donald Na goes from school to school on the last day of every month for something called an accounting conference. Today is the last day of the month and the school closes to Eunjang would be... Hyeongshin."

"Don't start with 'how should I know' when you actually know," Mei mumbled and Gray seemed to be the only one who heard her looking at her with a ghost of a smile. His features didn't actually move or anything but the look on his face was definitely more of a smile look.

"Myles Joo?" Big Ben said drawing back their attention.

"Myles Joo was excommunicated by the union although I don't know why." Eugene clarified.

"The more I hear about the Union the more I think it's just a big cult." Mei shivered.

"Oh- yeah I think I heard that, too," Alex said ignoring her comment.

"If Myles Joo was kicked out... Then who's the current NO. 1 of Hyeongshin?"

Mei stretched and started unpacking the tteokbokki, "Eh, I'm sure whoever it is we'll find out soon enough, for now, let's just eat."

Big Ben came to stand next to her and ruffled her hair, "Yeah! Let's dig in!"

"Aww, my hair is a mess now!" Mei exclaimed trying to press her hair down.


"Guys... looks like Gray left his phone behind, so I think I'll have to go get it back to him!" Eugene said getting everyone's attention, Mei was sitting out this game and Gray had headed to his cram school.

"Oh really? Alright, then. You know where his cram school is though?" Ben asked.

Eugene nodded, "Yeah"

"Good see ya tomorrow then, Eugene-" Ben waved.

"Oh wait Eugene!" Mei said coming up to the boy.

"Y-yeah?" He asked nervously.

Mei extended her phone to him, "text me when you get it to him safely and get home, kay? And lemme know if you ever need help."

Eugene paused, "t-text you? Like exchanging phone numbers?!"

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