[12] interviews

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hoping and praying torres doesn't hear them from next to me. "torres! i can't even remember the last time we met up."

"yeah but now that i'm seeing you, congrats on the ballon d'Or!" he goes in for a side hug but he looks really stiff. "that suit isn't in your favor, huh?"

"let's not talk about it."

"oh since we're congratulating you, can i intervene?" bellerin squeezes in between jana and i and looks down at me. "woah when'd you go bald?" he puts his hand over his heart dramatically, "it's been like... a month?! and it's a buzz. i'm not like.. bald bald." we snort at each other because bellerin reminds me so much of the older brother i wish i had growing up, "in my eyes, you're bald."

"dude, i'm not bald."

"you should match him, torres." i say as bellerin is whining next to me, "like hell, y/n."


after trying to explain what i was doing, jana, her friend dragged her away but also gave me a brutal response to which put her ahead of me and all i could do was trail behind and listen to the conversation between her, pablo torres, and hector bellerin from in front of me.

i couldn't help up but notice the way torres looks at her.

i only say this because he's mentioned her more than enough times for everyone to know he also has a thing for her.

this just made it so much more obvious when he only got closer to her when the conversation was between her and bellerin.

we all walk in through a pair of doors but are put to the side for someone to direct us to our seats for the first group of people to get interviewed while the others sit in the crowd.

i can't help but look down at my shoes because i want nothing more than for this to be over already.

"xavi called for us. he's putting us up front, come on." my head snaps up at y/n's voice. had i seriously blanked out there for a few minutes? "wait, why us first?" i hope she can't tell i'm doing this out of spite for a conversation between us. "don't know, so stop asking questions. he needs us and you're slowing us down."

so much for that.

what i don't realize is her hand going for mine and leading me out the crowd of our teams just standing there.

"sorry, sergio!" i hear her whisper loud enough for him to hear after hitting his arm.

i can't help but stare at that fact that we're hand in hand as if we were on mutual terms.

i wouldn't even know what terms we're on if she could just speak to me. after our run in with each other and me trying to get through to her, she didn't budge and continued to tell me it's best we just don't talk about it or each other at all. but how could i not?! it's been eating me up these past few days and you can easily tell by the way i've been training awfully.

and now she pulls this?! i've never been so confused.

i can feel my grip tighten on her soft hands. i shouldn't have done that because she didn't even hesitate to drop it before picking up her pace to go up the small stairs and shake the hands of some management before taking her seat with her name on the tablet.

the perfect pair | PABLO GAVITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon