"If you want to throw the newbie a parade, that's fine." Gally called out in a bit of anger, earning everyone's attention. "Go ahead. But if there is one thing I know about the maze it is that you do not-"

The boy's speech came to a halt as the familiar sound of gears turning and an alarm rang throughout the Glade. Both he and Newt shared a look of confusion and concern before the two of them bolted out of the council hall. Everyone followed suit, but Thomas stopped Minho and Chuck just after they exited the hall.

"Okay, wait. I know that sound." The dark haired boy stated as he watched Newt and Gally run across the field towards the Box's door.

"The Box. It's coming back up." Chuck answered him.

"It shouldn't be." Minho hissed as he took off running across the field to see what was happening. Thomas and Chuck followed behind the boy.

Newt and Gally had already opened the top of the Box by the time a crowd had gathered around. The blond second in command was the one to jump down into the Box. Shock overtook him as he looked down at the sight before him. Two girls laid side by side unconscious and didn't look to be breathing.

One of the girls laid pale with her brown hair spread out around her head. Her lips chapped as her two front teeth were on display.

The second girl laid curled into herself. A bit of her dark hair had fallen into her face covering her skin and facial features from his view. The blond carefully pushed the hair back to reveal her tan skin and the soft freckles that lightly lined her cheeks and nose. Her lips were a rosy color that had small cracks in them, almost as though she had been chewing on them. She seemed smaller than the other girl, not in weight, but in size.

"Newt, what do you see?" A Glader called out to him pulling him back to earth.

"It's two girls." Newt finally answers, looking back up to the crowd of boys. "I think they're dead."

The boys remained quiet at his words. A sense of anxiety seemed to rush over the lot of them. Gally was the one to speak, "What's in her hand?"

Newt leaned over the first girl and grabbed a small piece of paper that had been held in her fist. He read out loud. "They're the last ones... EVER." He looked back up to the boys in confusion. "What the hell does that mean?"

Suddenly the first girl's eyes burst open as she took a deep breath. The boys all jumped back in surprise as she gasped, "Thomas..."

Simultaneously, all eyes found their way to the dark haired Greenie standing at the edge of the Box. Gally crossed his arms as he turned his attention from the clueless boy back to Newt, whose attention had found itself back on the girls. "Do you still think I'm overreacting?"

Newt huffed and tried to remain calm as he thought of what Alby would do in this situation. "We'll finish the meeting later. Right now, we need to get these two to the medjack hut. Everyone else get back to work." He instructed the boys.

The crowd slowly dispersed until it was only Newt, Gally, Thomas, Minho, and the two medjacks. Newt placed the piece of paper in his pocket as Jeff, a medjack, called down to him. "Check to see if the other girl is breathing. She hasn't moved since the Box opened."

Newt nodded as he maneuvered himself over to the second girl and placed his ear next to her rosy lips. He tried to calm the anxious beating of his heart as he listened for her breathing. Once he could hear the sharp intake of breath, but he needed to hear it again. He didn't want his ears to play tricks on him. After a few seconds there was another breath and a slight whimper that left the girl's lips.

FIRE MEETS FATE - Newt Where stories live. Discover now