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A single tear, shimmering in the purple light glimmered down her cheeks as the Electro Archon stood before her—a cold, menacing figure with her chin titled up and eyes alike to those of thunder storms. The rain poured down mercilessly, falling with the sparks of electro. The young girl winced each time a droplet fell upon her, her [h/c] hair plastered to her face, her [e/c] eyes filled with fear and despair.

"You," the Shogun hissed, venom dripping from just the single syllable. "Servant of Orobashi. I shall have you killed."

The trembling girl's hands clenched on her dress as she sat on her legs, head bowed. Yet all of a sudden, her fear evaporated like tiny flames in the growing thunder storm. She lifted her head, eyes dark and emotionless.

"Kill me then," she spoke quietly yet her voice was still intimidating. "What are you waiting for? I have killed as many as you in my short existence. I have no purpose left to achieve."

The Electro Archon's eyes narrowed. "No. For your insolent tongue. You deserve a worse punishment—Something far worse than death."

The [h/cnette/blonde]'s eyes widened as the Shogun touched the tips of her palms together, fingers bent in a symbol only few have ever witnessed.

"[L/N] [Y/N]," the woman's lips curled. "I gift you with the curse of immortality. May your family and friends wither away. May your beloved companions die before you. Yet you still shall remain, an empty shell devoid of purpose, never aging."

The [e/c] eyed girl felt as if something had hit her like a mountain of stone. Her palms pressed to the ground, her ears ringing, eyes blurred with painful tears. 

"Live a long life," the Archon spoke before kicking the young girl, delivering a blow hard enough for the other to tumble off the cliff's edge. "May pain and guilt be your constant companion."

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

The small form of a girl trembled on the dark muddy grass. She had fallen from the sky yet her heart was still beating. All the bones in her body had been broken and blood was seeping from her head. However, her eyes fluttered open and her muscles twitched as she tried to move. Her nose wrinkled at the smell of rust—or what was more like it—blood.

Her eyes closed once more as reality sank in. Tears mixed with rain poured down her face, yet she couldn't lift an arm to wipe them off. To be immortal, to be unable to die sounded like a wonderful, extraordinary blessing as a child. Yet now, [Y/N] realized the true evil of being undying.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Her cheerful [e/c] eyes scanned the crowd. The contagious laughter of the dancer men and women was so loud it drained all other thought and sound. She looked to see a girl dressed in beautiful kimono and a boy holding her hand. Under the moonlit sky they walked as if they could never be parted.

Oh how lonely it was. [Y/N] had friends yet she knew one day they will all be gone. She smiled as a girl with bright crimson eyes pulled her into the crowd. Her feet found the rhythm of the song and she felt so free at that very moment. All her worries gone. She could just be there. She could just enjoy the moment of happiness.

"[Y/N]! Look!" Her friends gasped excitedly as she pointed to the sky.

The night scenery was lit up with showers of gold, blue, and purple as the long anticipated meteor shower began.

"It's so pretty, [Y/N]," The short brunette teen murmured. "I'd like to fly like that someday. I had a dream last night, you were in it! Everyone—All my friends were there and there was a light in the sky. It was like a shimmering shard of hope waiting for us!"

The meteors grew closer and closer and the two watched with shining eyes.

"Miss [Y/N]?" A familiar voice asked.

"Yes?" [Y/N] walked towards the young merchant whom she knew fairly well.

He rubbed his neck as he grinned nervously, "This is for you."

"It's beautiful!" The [h/c] haired exclaimed with joy, hugging the small accessory to her chest.

"Do you think... maybe...," the boy whispered as if scared, "you'd like to go out with me sometime later?"

"I—," before the flustered girl finished her sentence, screams broke the silence.

"[Y/N]!!!!" The brunette ran towards her, face drained of all blood.

[Y/N] looked up in time to see a large flaming meteor hurtling towards them, getting faster and faster.

It was all bright.

Everyone was frozen, head upturned. 

Then, it was dark.


Pitch black.

Death and silence.


Thanks for reading! 

Love from Wolfie-Dragon <3

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