part one

117 4 2

Y/N's P.O.V

“Beep, beep, beep, bee-”

The beeping stopped abruptly when you slammed your hand on the alarm clock. You turned to see the time displayed on it.

6:30. ‘Got to get up.’ you thought to yourself.

You grabbed the corner of your bed sheet, threw it off you and sat straight up. You yawned and stretched, embracing the cold, surrounding air. feeling the cold floor under your feet when you got up. You noticed the warm sunlight when it shone onto your face, through the streak in the curtains. The sun was still rising when you looked out of the window. You shoved the thin curtain completely to the side, and stood for a while in the quiet. Your parents had both left for a business trip together, as they work the same job. Leaving you completely alone. They wouldn't be back anytime soon. Luckily you keep in touch, and they'd left you a small allowance for your basic necessities. It was Monday morning, and your first day at Akademi high. While thinking about the day, you made your way to the bathroom to take a quick shower.


After you took your shower, you walked out with a towel wrapped around you, hugging your form. You put on your uniform and your black, thigh-high socks. Excited, you spun around and went to the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast and a bento for school. When you were done, you packed the bento in your bag and got your breakfast. Then sat down at your dinner table and began eating. When you had finished the plate, you checked your phone. It was 6:52 ‘time to go.’  You thought, and grabbed your bag. you checked if you had what you needed while heading for the front door. You put your shoes on and went out the front door, closing it behind you. You stood at the front door, taking in the environment. 

You took a deep breath and let it out, then rushed towards the school. Luckily, you lived close. And after a few minutes, not paying attention to where you were going, you bumped into something. Quickly gaining your balance to look at what you bumped into. Seeing a boy on the ground and rubbing his head in confusion. Your face went beet-red as you panicked, not noticing the girl throwing insults at you from behind him. You reached your hand out to him. “S-sorry! I didn’t notice you!” you stammered. The boy looked up at you, then at your hand. He chuckled and took it. “No harm done. I’m fine” you lifted him up and he supported himself. He looked you up and down, still holding on to your hand with his. Then placed his left hand on the back of your hand, shaking it. ”You go to our school, but I can’t say I’ve seen you before. Are you new?” you nodded “yeah. I was rushing to school so I’d have time to check it out and explore.” You said, looking down as he let go of your hand and smiled. “I’m Taro Yamada, and this is my childhood friend, Osana Najimi.” he turned around and looked at the girl who stopped talking a while ago after neither of you paid attention to her.  She had her hands on her hips and a stern look on her face, accompanied with long, orange pigtails. “What about you?” he asked, turning back to you. “Y/N L/N.” You said, flashing a small smile. “Alright then Y/N L/N, what class are you in?” “class 2-1!” you exclaimed. “That's Osana’s class! How about we show you around, Y/N?” he suggested, to Osana's dismay. Osana croaked and huffed, tucking at his shirt, shaking her head at him and quietly protesting. He gave her a wonky smile. You noticed this and decided to kindly reject his offer, not wanting to be a bother. “No thank you, Taro. I wouldn’t want to take up your time.” you nervously gripped your skirt. He tilted his head, looking disappointed. But quickly regained his smile again. “Well, we could at least walk you to school since we’re going the same way” he added. “Sure! Thank you” You nodded and thanked him. Then Taro went ahead with an upbeat step. You turned to Osana who was still standing, a bit upset at the new person, stealing his attention for a second. You smiled at her, confirming your answer to Taro of following them to school. Her eyes widened, unaware of her daze. Her brows furrowed, and she quickly gained her composure and followed Taro. You did the same, catching up behind them both.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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