chapter 6 • sure, he was annoying, but it's not like he was a huge problem

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penelope was seated on the couch, folding laundry.

cherry yawned.

penelope was eating cheese cheetos, occasionally looking up at a small phone on the table in front of her.

lydia walked into the living room, holding up elena's yearbook.

"abuelita, give me back my yearbook!" elena said.

"your quinces is around the corner, and we need to pick a boy to be your escort!" lydia pointed out.

"there's no one in here! i just-"

"then use your phone and chapsmat somebody!"

"you don't understand social media, abuelita-"

"no, no, no, of course i do! all you have to do is find a boy, and twat at him. cherry, can you do that?"

penelope coughed.

"i hope you mean tweet?" elena said.

"i could text a boy?" cherry suggested.

"please don't." elena begged.

"yeah, please don't." alex perked up. "the only man you should be texting is me."

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋, alex alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now